IoES Magazine

ucla’s kevin njabo selected to give tedglobal talk


UCLA’s Kevin Njabo selected to give TEDGlobal talk

David Colgan

Two months ago, the professor was named UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability’s 2017 Pritzker Fellow. Now he’s preparing to take stage in front of a worldwide audience. Today, TEDGlobal…

future of the wooly mammoth


Future of the wooly mammoth

Belinda Waymouth

Is Earth’s sixth mass extinction really underway? An expert panel including Stewart Brand, an advocate of de-extinction and co-founder of Revive and Restore, will discuss the causes and consequences of mass species loss and what can be done to protect endangered species.

human tales on extinction and endangered species


Human tales on extinction and endangered species

David Colgan

Ursula Heise was surprised by the animal’s intelligence and ability to communicate. She began observing birds and other animals in nature and thinking about their survival through the lens of…

l.a. students get an environmental filmmaking debut


L.A. students get an environmental filmmaking debut

David Colgan

It might be time for an update. In 2016, two-thirds of Americans wield video-equipped smartphones capable of telling vivid stories, from street protests to Snapchat. And 15 minutes may be…

the curtain draws on climate change


The curtain draws on climate change

David Colgan

The stories of one famous tree—Methuselah, a 4,847 year-old California bristlecone pine—are the inspiration behind “Memory Rings,” an environmentally-themed play that will be staged next weekend by UCLA’s Center for…