Green building programs show big results for big buildings
David Colgan
UCLA study shows building certification programs like LEED reduce carbon emissions, but smaller buildings get left behind.
David Colgan
UCLA study shows building certification programs like LEED reduce carbon emissions, but smaller buildings get left behind.
David Colgan
UCLA’s Congo Basin Institute led a team of UCLA and Cameroonian students into a rain forest in central Africa to reopen a field station in a jungle with a thriving ecosystem with birds, elephants and monkeys.
David Colgan
From the Santa Monica Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, UCLA conservation biologists watch as wildlife responds to a welcome surge of wet weather after years of intense drought.
Belinda Waymouth
The Sierra Nevada snowpack, which provides 60 percent of the state’s water via a vast network of dams and reservoirs, has already been diminished by human-induced climate change and if emissions levels aren’t reduced, the snowpack could largely disappear during droughts, according to findings in the study published today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
Belinda Waymouth
Introducing the augural IoES Environmental Oscars—where researchers and other experts rate this year’s Academy Awards best movie nominees on their environmental content.
David Colgan
The recent crisis at Oroville Dam sheds light on an emerging problem for California’s aging water resources infrastructure. Professor Alex Hall’s research shows that, as temperatures warm in the Sierra Nevada, climate change could precipitate a deluge that will overwhelm a patchwork network of dams and reservoirs that supply 60 percent of the state’s water.
David Colgan
The California Coastal Act promises that the coastline be open to all, but 40 years after its passage, new obstacles have emerged. And they’ll take more than new beach paths to overcome.
Belinda Waymouth
President Barack Obama’s Arctic oil drilling ban and environmental legacy are in President Trump’s crosshairs. Obama’s last days in the Oval Office included a flurry of new environmental protections. In his first days the incoming president is busy taking actions to dismantle them.
President Barack Obama’s environmental legacy and his Arctic oil drilling ban are in the crosshairs of the new president. Obama’s last days in the Oval office included a flurry of environmental protections. The first days of the Trump administration efforts are being made to dismantle them.
Alison Hewitt
A new study from researchers at UCLA and Loyola Marymount University checked the DNA of fish ordered at 26 Los Angeles sushi restaurants from 2012 through 2015, and found that…
Stuart Wolpert
Three exceptional young UCLA scientists were honored by President Obama Monday, Jan. 9, with 2017 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S.…
David Colgan
A study of gasoline taxes and subsidies in 157 countries shows global regression, even as a majority of countries made progress. It also offers a benchmark for holding governments accountable in the future.
Daniel Swain
A subtropical mega storm will bring much needed precipitation to California this weekend. However, its warm temperatures and rain could melt Sierra Nevada snow pack and cause flooding.
Valerie Carranza
These pleas for support stress the urgency of donating now—immediately—before the great ship of Mother Earth sinks. The money they request, of course, is intended to build a war chest…
Alison Hewitt
Chancellor Block joined leaders in higher education to support science-based solutions.
David Colgan
Cris Liban was presented with the Philippines’ highest civilian award for those working overseas for his work at L.A. Metro, where he serves as Executive Officer for the Environment and Sustainability. Through his work, Liban seeks to connect communities and improve lives.
Belinda Waymouth
A hunch that feathers contain good DNA samples is helping conservation efforts for America’s declining songbird populations. It’s also connecting bird enthusiasts and researchers across the continent.
David Colgan
Businesses can make a major difference for the environment. Becoming more sustainable is something that is increasingly good for the bottom line. Check out a new program that’s looking to sweeten the pot.
Belinda Waymouth
At Earth Now: Earth 2050, UCLA’s top environmental thinkers gave short talks on the paths we must take to have a sustainable planet in decades to come.
David Colgan
Weather patterns can change quickly as ice melts, according to a new study that examines the end of the last big global freeze.
David Colgan
A new study shows that temperatures in the Sierra Nevada could rise up to 10 degrees, threatening ecosystems, California’s water supply—and increasing the risk of wildfires.
Belinda Waymouth
Is Earth’s sixth mass extinction really underway? An expert panel including Stewart Brand, an advocate of de-extinction and co-founder of Revive and Restore, will discuss the causes and consequences of mass species loss and what can be done to protect endangered species.