IoES Magazine

ucla’s kevin njabo selected to give tedglobal talk


UCLA’s Kevin Njabo selected to give TEDGlobal talk

David Colgan

Two months ago, the professor was named UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability’s 2017 Pritzker Fellow. Now he’s preparing to take stage in front of a worldwide audience. Today, TEDGlobal…

greening your grocery cart


Greening your grocery cart

Peter Kareiva

We crunched the numbers for you. Here’s how to make simple choices that fight climate change from your grocery cart.

antibiotic resistant genes lurk in city parks


Antibiotic resistant genes lurk in city parks

Belinda Waymouth

Overuse of antibiotics has led to superbugs that resist even powerful last-line-of-defense antibiotics. UCLA researchers have learned that antibiotic resistant genes are everywhere, including places people are encouraged to go for fun—parks.

ucla helps l.a. pitch greenest olympics ever


UCLA helps L.A. pitch greenest Olympics ever

Belinda Waymouth

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) wants prospective host cities to provide game plans that ensure all future Olympics and Paralympics are sustainable low-carbon events. For the two cities vying to host the 2024 games, Los Angles and Paris, it may come down to which has the green edge.

zooming in on how climate change affects severe weather


Zooming in on how climate change affects severe weather

Belinda Waymouth

UCLA weather expert Daniel Swain is part of a team that created a new four-step “framework” to more accurately test how climate change is pushing unprecedented weather events. It’s the latest study in a burgeoning field of climate science known as “extreme event attribution.” Testing their new framework, researchers found that human induced warming has increased the odds of severely hot weather across more than 80 percent of the globe.

why i march for science


Why I march for science

Stephanie Pincetl

Stephanie Pincetl is one of the official speakers at Saturday’s March for Science. Here’s why she’s marching.