La Kretz Center to Lead UC Natural Reserve System Site
In 2015, the La Kretz Center assumed responsibility for the administration of the Stunt Ranch Santa Monica Mountains Reserve, a UC Natural Reserve System site. Just 15 miles from the La Kretz Field Station, Stunt Ranch Reserve is located in the Cold Creek watershed, in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains.
Stunt Ranch Reserve is adjacent to extensive natural areas, including state and federal parklands and areas managed explicitly for conservation purposes. An important Chumash archeological site, Stunt lends itself to programs that focus on natural ecosystems, human history, and resource management at the urban/wildland interface. Stunt offers UC and other affiliated researchers full access to 310 acres of pristine chaparral, live oak woodland, and annual grasslands habitats that are home to more than 300 vascular plant species and a stunning array of birds, reptiles, and amphibians.