jenga as sustainable buildings

energy & technology

Jenga as Sustainable Buildings

By Ileana Callejas

Jenga! A popular game for family reunions, summer camp, and Earth Day? Jenga may be able to teach people about the stability of buildings, but how could it possibly teach about what comprises a sustainable building? Our team will be using the Jenga pieces to teach Earth Day Fair attendees a thing or two about sustainable buildings, Pauley Pavilion, and the LEED system. Each piece will have a number corresponding to a topic which will lead to a specific set of questions about the topic. If the person successfully removes a piece and gets the answer right, they will be able to place the piece on top of the stacked blocks. If the participant fails to answer the question correctly, they will have to put the piece aside and try their luck again at removing a piece and answering a question correctly in hopes of watching their “building” skyrocket. Behind the growing tower of blocks, we would like to have ascending levels marked with LEED rating levels such as LEED Gold and LEED Platinum. By having two sets going together at a time, we would like to have friendly competition between attendees and have otter pops for participants of winners of each match. We hope to see you there and try your luck at obtaining LEED Platinum!