IoES in the News


Daniel Swain in KQED—This Winter’s Floods May Be ‘Only a Taste’ of the Megafloods to Come, Climate Scientists Warn

“As disruptive as this year’s events have been, we’re nowhere near to a plausible worst-case storm and flood scenario for California,” said UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain.

Daniel Swain


Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in Yahoo Finance—New Speakers Announced for the 2023 Global Inclusive Growth Summit

Step into a world of innovation at the 2023 Global Inclusive Growth Summit, presented by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Aspen Institute on Thursday, April 13, 2023.

activism in pandemic times: q&a with hindou oumarou ibrahim, 2019 pritzker award winner


Beate Ritz in Cardiovascular Business—Longevity, cardiovascular durability improve with just 1 or 2 walks per week

Weekend warriors who take brisk walks of around four miles just once or twice per week enjoy lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality than their sedentary peers.

beate ritz


Susanna Hecht honored by American Association of Geographers

Susanna Hecht, director of the UCLA Center for Brazilian Studies, received the Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography from the American Association of Geographers in Denver on March 24.…

susanna hecht recognized for contribution to environmental history


Thomas Gillespie in Mirage News—Drought-induced vegetation browning disproportionately affects LA’s disadvantaged communities

In previous studies, the loss of urban greenness has been shown to increase the incidence of mental illness and affect cognitive function in schoolchildren. Extreme heat exacerbated by that loss…

thomas gillespie


Glen MacDonald in Mirage News—Drought-induced vegetation browning disproportionately affects LA’s disadvantaged communities

The findings showed that during drought, more affluent places such as Pasadena, Beverly Hills and West Los Angeles remained greener than lower-income areas such as East Los Angeles, Inglewood and…

glen macdonald


Daniel Swain in LA Times—Prepare for the latest blow: Rain, snow and high winds hit California

“Yet more rain, yet more heavy mountain snow, more travel disruptions,” Daniel Swain, UCLA climate scientist said Monday. He called it “another moderate to strong storm,” though not comparable to last week’s…

Daniel Swain


Daniel Swain in LA Times–When everyone sounds like a weather forecaster, whom should you trust?

This winter, as atmospheric rivers slam into California one after another, Daniel Swain isn’t just worried about rain and flooding. The UCLA climate scientist, who has devoted his life to studying weather,…

Daniel Swain


Alex Hall in NY Times–What Does All This Rain Mean for California’s Drought?

And, as Alex Hall, the director of the Center for Climate Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, pointed out to me, disputes over the dwindling Colorado River still…

Alex Hall


Daniel Swain in WFLA News Channel 8—California’s all-time snowpack record within reach

“There is more snow water equivalent in the Southern Sierra than at any point since at least the 1950s … and likely longer than that,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist…

Daniel Swain


Gregory Pierce in NewScientist—Around 2 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water

An international pledge to ensure that all the world’s population has access to safe drinking water by 2030 is woefully off track, according to a major UN report

gregory pierce


Edward Parsons on KCRW PressPlay—World must halve CO2 emissions in 7 years to avoid catastrophe

The planet is approaching catastrophic levels of global warming and irreversible damage within the next decade, according to the most definitive report released by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on…

edward parson


Elijah Catalan selected for 2023 Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award

Elijah Catalan has been selected for a 2023 Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award (GSPA), which is sponsored by the Ecological Society of America. Along with 15 other graduate…

Elijah Catalan standing in front of vaporwave-esque art


Daniel Swain in The Hill—Much of California has escaped drought, but what lies ahead?

“This has been really disruptive in these communities and will have significant impacts on agriculture coming out of the Salinas Valley probably for a while,” Swain said during virtual office hours on Friday.

Daniel Swain


Angela Johnson Meszaros at UCLA discusses Quemetco’s Lead Legacy: A Cycle of Injustice and Contamination in Southern California

A new report details how Quemetco — the last remaining secondary lead smelter in California — has exploited a failed regulatory structure that does little to protect people and the environment.…

Angela Johnson Meszaros


Susanna Hecht in UCLA Daily Bruin—Recent rain reveals success of ‘green alleys’ program, according to UCLA faculty

Susanna Hecht, professor of urban planning, said the type of vegetation used in green alleyways is also important to consider. Urban planning professionals should consider incorporating plants that have lower…

susanna hecht


Alex Hall in NY Times—A Very Wet Winter Has Eased California’s Drought, but Water Woes Remain

“It’s sort of like if you are deep in debt,” said Alex Hall, the director of the Center for Climate Science at U.C.L.A. Suddenly encountering a lot of cash “might…

Alex Hall


Daniel Blumstein in India Education Diary—Researchers Say Emerging Field Of Evolutionary Medicine Could Address Range Of Health Conditions

“It’s not about treating diabetes when a person gets it at 40, but about making the investment during childhood,” said Daniel Blumstein, a UCLA professor of ecology and evolutionary biology…

daniel blumstein


Q&A: Monica L. Smith on how humans have adapted to natural forces throughout history

‘The Power of Nature’ explores how people have responded to disasters

monica smith


The La Kretz Center’s 2022 Annual Report

Check out the innovative conservation research projects, stimulating public outreach events, and exciting funding programs that the center has supported over the past year!

LKC 2022 Annual Report


Park Williams in—Confirmed: Global floods, droughts worsening with warming

The big picture on water comes from data from a pair of satellites known as GRACE, or Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, that were used to measure changes in Earth’s…

Park Williams


Daniel Swain in Cal Matters: Atmospheric rivers continue

According to Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, as of this weekend, the Southern Sierra appears to have its largest snowpack in recorded…

Daniel Swain