IoES in the News


Diet has more impact on climate change than transportation. Here’s how to fix that.

In their recent article, Big Think discussed the UC/Vox Climate Lab collaboration video, “The diet that helps fight climate change.” 

diet has more impact on climate change than transportation. here’s how to fix that.


February has been bone dry. Has drought returned to California?

“We have been in an extended period of unusually warm and dry conditions. One might call that a drought,” stated IoES climate scientist Daniel Swain to the Fresno Bee.


Flu Weather: It’s Not the Cold, It’s the Humidity

Weather Underground included a recent study co-authored by IoES faculty member Alan Barreca that discussed how low humidity, which may become more prominent in some regions due to climate change,…

flu weather: it’s not the cold, it’s the humidity


Green Science’s White People Problem

Professor Aradhna Tripati shared her experience with systemic racism and how she addresses lack of diversity in environmental science through the Center for Diverse Leadership in Science and postdoctoral scholar…

green science’s white people problem


Activists Worldwide Press Environmental Demands

“There’s a new concept that the (Chinese) state is calling ecological civilization and it’s been all over the official propaganda and the state leadership messaging.” UCLA Law professor and IoES…


Ventura County is at ‘epicenter’ of California’s drought, expert says

The Ventura County Star consulted with IoES climate scientist Daniel Swain; “As a lot of people in Ventura and Santa Barbara County are acutely aware, the drought arguably never really…


Is California Entering Another Drought? Experts Answer Your Questions.

Capital Public Radio consulted with Daniel Swain, IoES postdoctoral scholar, about California’s current state of water. High reservoir benefits big cities, but not necessarily farms and the drought never ended…

is california entering another drought? experts answer your questions.


California Needs a Ton of Snow, ASAP

Mother Jones included a quote from IoES climate researcher Daniel Swain; “Every week that we don’t reverse this trend from here forward, it’s going to be that much harder to…

california needs a ton of snow, asap


Dunkin’ Donuts joins eco-friendly parade, will switch to paper cups by 2020

“More and more this is the trend…It’s really not just a question of changing consumer behaviors, but there are also socially responsible investors, and I think companies are trying to…

dunkin’ donuts joins eco-friendly parade, will switch to paper cups by 2020


Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests

According to Luciana Alves, co-author/ IoES assistant researcher, this study can identify areas to prioritize conservation and help the development of better models to understand responses of different tropical forest…

phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests


Could Oil Firms Be Forced to Pay for Climate Change? California Cities Hope So

KQED consulted with IoES faculty member/ environmental law professor at the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the UCLA School of Law, Ann Carlson, about  potential climate…

could oil firms be forced to pay for climate change? california cities hope so


‘Keep saving water’: UCLA water expert wishes state never declared drought ‘over’

Mark Gold, IoES faculty member told 89.3 KPCC Take Two that, “What we’ve seen is that we went from a 24.5 percent reduction in water use – which everybody in…

‘keep saving water’: ucla water expert wishes state never declared drought ‘over’


More than 40 percent of California experiencing moderate drought

Scientists announced 40% of California is experiencing moderate drought. Digital Journal quoted Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist, who stated, “This year it’s going to be pretty stark… There’s not going…


Chevron Wants More Companies Blamed in Climate Liability Cases

IoES Faculty and Co-Directors of Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law Ann Carlson and Sean Hecht weigh in on Chevron’s desire to have…


California drought returning? Sierra Nevada snowpack at 30 percent as forecast calls for two more weeks of warm, dry weather

Daniel Swain, IoES Climate Scientist, informed the Santa Cruz Sentinel that, “February is the peak season for snow accumulation… Every week that we don’t reverse this trend from here forward,…


Is California’s Drought Returning? Snowpack Nears 2015’s Historic Lows

“This year it’s going to be pretty stark… There’s not going to be a lot of snow on the ground,” according to Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist to Inside Climate…

is california’s drought returning? snowpack nears 2015’s historic lows


The West is in the middle of a serious snow drought

“We do anticipate changes in precipitation, but even if we didn’t have any changes in precipitation, there would still be a big impact on snowpack due to warming,” Alex Hall, director…


Your Team Made It To The Super Bowl. Now Maybe It’s Time For Flu Shot.

NPR’s All Things Considered discussed a study co-authored by IoES Environmental Economics Professor Alan Barreca that found cases of influenza deaths among those age 65+ increase by 18% when their team…


Panel discusses importance of diversity in community of scientists

The Daily Bruin covered the IoES’s Center for Diverse Science in Leadership’s inaugural event where scientists from diverse backgrounds spoke about their research and experiences in academia. 

panel discusses importance of diversity in community of scientists


Drought deja vu: California snowpack at 30 percent of normal

“In the last 10 or 15 years, the snowline had been marching up the mountains pretty quickly… Unfortunately, that’s the reality. It’s one of the most obvious impacts of global…

drought deja vu: california snowpack at 30 percent of normal


IoES’s UCLA office is now Los Angeles Green Business Certified

To learn how to make your Los Angeles office eco-friendly, visit

ioes’s ucla office is now los angeles green business certified


Bird gene-mapping project studies biodiversity, effect of climate change

The Daily Bruin featured a story on the Bird Genoscape Project study that showed how climate change may be leading to a decline in the North American yellow warbler population.

bird gene-mapping project studies biodiversity, effect of climate change


Blockbuster films ignore the real harbinger of the apocalypse: ignorance of science

The Verge featured IoES Director Peter Kareiva and researcher Valerie Carranza’s study- “Existential risk due to ecosystem collapse: Nature strikes back,” highlighting major environmental concepts that are pertinent to apocalyptic events…


The science of warmer winters referenced Alex Hall and Neil Berg’s research on the projected temperature increase of the Sierra Nevada in their article.


Being Antisocial Leads to a Longer Life. For Marmots.

UCLA biologist Daniel T. Blumstein and his colleague found that social marmots tended to die younger; as featured in the NY Times.

being antisocial leads to a longer life. for marmots.