IoES in the News


Is California’s Drought Returning? Snowpack Nears 2015’s Historic Lows

“This year it’s going to be pretty stark… There’s not going to be a lot of snow on the ground,” according to Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist to Inside Climate…

is california’s drought returning? snowpack nears 2015’s historic lows


The West is in the middle of a serious snow drought

“We do anticipate changes in precipitation, but even if we didn’t have any changes in precipitation, there would still be a big impact on snowpack due to warming,” Alex Hall, director…


Your Team Made It To The Super Bowl. Now Maybe It’s Time For Flu Shot.

NPR’s All Things Considered discussed a study co-authored by IoES Environmental Economics Professor Alan Barreca that found cases of influenza deaths among those age 65+ increase by 18% when their team…


Panel discusses importance of diversity in community of scientists

The Daily Bruin covered the IoES’s Center for Diverse Science in Leadership’s inaugural event where scientists from diverse backgrounds spoke about their research and experiences in academia. 

panel discusses importance of diversity in community of scientists


Drought deja vu: California snowpack at 30 percent of normal

“In the last 10 or 15 years, the snowline had been marching up the mountains pretty quickly… Unfortunately, that’s the reality. It’s one of the most obvious impacts of global…

drought deja vu: california snowpack at 30 percent of normal


IoES’s UCLA office is now Los Angeles Green Business Certified

To learn how to make your Los Angeles office eco-friendly, visit

ioes’s ucla office is now los angeles green business certified


Bird gene-mapping project studies biodiversity, effect of climate change

The Daily Bruin featured a story on the Bird Genoscape Project study that showed how climate change may be leading to a decline in the North American yellow warbler population.

bird gene-mapping project studies biodiversity, effect of climate change


Blockbuster films ignore the real harbinger of the apocalypse: ignorance of science

The Verge featured IoES Director Peter Kareiva and researcher Valerie Carranza’s study- “Existential risk due to ecosystem collapse: Nature strikes back,” highlighting major environmental concepts that are pertinent to apocalyptic events…


The science of warmer winters referenced Alex Hall and Neil Berg’s research on the projected temperature increase of the Sierra Nevada in their article.


Being Antisocial Leads to a Longer Life. For Marmots.

UCLA biologist Daniel T. Blumstein and his colleague found that social marmots tended to die younger; as featured in the NY Times.

being antisocial leads to a longer life. for marmots.


Going green with reds and whites

Will the investment in eco-certification for your vineyard pay off? “Environmentally conscious millennials may select green wines at modest prices, yet high end consumers still perceive organic wines as lower…


William Zou: Continuing turf rebate program will improve LA’s sustainability

William Zou, IoES student and staff member featured Mark Gold, IoES’s associate vice chancellor for environment and sustainability in his Daily Bruin column. “As an MWD director, I was pretty…

william zou: continuing turf rebate program will improve la’s sustainability


How changes in sea level and geography affect genetics of coastal marine life

Sea-level change and the topography of coastlines shapes the evolution of species and biodiversity, according to a study published today in Molecular Ecology. Researchers including UCLA evolutionary biologist David Jacobs…

how changes in sea level and geography affect genetics of coastal marine life


TED Talk: How we can stop Africa’s scientific brain drain

Learn about how Kevin Njabo’s journey as a conservation biologist led him to work as a director of the Congo Basin Institute, a UCLA project in Cameroon that works with…

ucla’s kevin njabo selected to give tedglobal talk


This is how bird genetics adapt to climate change

International Business Times highlighted the Center for Tropical Science’s recent study in the genetic mapping of birds in relation to climate change.


Genes Influence Birds’ Response to Climate Change

“These efforts might help identify regions where multiple species are vulnerable, hinting at hotspots that might be particularly beneficial for conservation.” The American Association for the Advancement of Science featured…

genes influence birds’ response to climate change


Can migratory birds survive rapid climate change? The answer may be in their genes

“A migratory bird can predict its own future, and this crystal ball-like indicator can be found in its genes.” PBS Newshour publicized the findings in the Center for Tropical Research’s…

can migratory birds survive rapid climate change? the answer may be in their genes


Freeway pollution travels farther than we thought. Here’s how to protect yourself

“We’re learning that the pollution you breathe comes down to where you are, when you’re there and what the traffic is like,” said Suzanne Paulson, IoES faculty member, to the…

freeway pollution travels farther than we thought. here’s how to protect yourself


On the boil: five climate lawsuits to watch in 2018

Juliana v. United States involves 21 teenagers charging the government for its inadequate climate policy. “It would be extraordinary for a judge to take the step of holding the U.S. government…


The New Normal? Scientists Say The Fire Season Is Getting Longer And More Destructive

“Are there engineering solutions? To a certain degree, there are, certainly, in terms of the building materials that you use, the defensible space around houses both in suburbs and in…


‘Year of extremes’: SoCal rides climate coaster in 2017

89.3 KPCC interviewed IoES’s Daniel Swain and Daniel Walton- climate scientsts who observed that 2017 was the year of extremes, consistent with the direction that climate scientists say we are…

‘year of extremes’: socal rides climate coaster in 2017


Thousands of citizen-scientists help researchers map kelp forests

“We hope to track global trends in the abundance of giant kelp forests and identify regions that have experienced significant declines in kelp,” according to Kyle Cavanaugh— geography professor and IoES…

thousands of citizen-scientists help researchers map kelp forests


L.A.’s increasingly hot and dry autumns result in ‘these near-apocalyptic fires’

The LA Times consulted with climate scientist Daniel Swain regarding the cause of massive wildfires from dry autumns, a symptom of climate change. 

l.a.’s increasingly hot and dry autumns result in ‘these near-apocalyptic fires’


UCLA professors Paul Barber, Robert Wayne to enhance undergraduate STEM education

Both UCLA professors of ecology and evolutionary biology and IoES faculty members received $1 million each from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to create new interdisciplinary approaches to science education.

ucla professors paul barber, robert wayne to enhance undergraduate stem education


Did Climate Change Worsen the Southern California Fires?

The Atlantic consulted with Daniel Swain, climate scientist, about a ridge formation that may keep the east coast cool while the west coast burns. 

did climate change worsen the southern california fires?