IoES in the News


Rains pound Northern California, but no ‘March miracle’ likely

“All indications are we’re not even going to come close” to a normal winter, said IoES climate scientist Daniel Swain said the Sacramento Bee.


Pruitt Signals Fight with CA Over Emissions Rules

Ann Carlson, UCLA Law professor and IoES faculty, discussed comments made by Scott Pruitt signalling an upcoming fight between the federal government and California in automotive emissions regulation. 


Green buildings will have to go beyond conserving energy

Professor Magali Delmas provided her insight on the Powerhouse green building standard and discussed her thoughts on the future of green buildings to Popular Science. 


California Utilities, Climate Change and Wildfires: A Liability Quagmire

Sean Hecht, UCLA environmental law professor and IoES faculty member spoke with Climate Liability News. “Utilities use gas for power plants, and that doesn’t make them the most sympathetic plaintiffs.”


UC and its national labs invest in California climate change research

IoES faculty member and director of the Center for Climate Science, Alex Hall will be the principal investigator of  the, “The future of California drought, fire and forest dieback,” research…

uc and its national labs invest in california climate change research


UCLA Dining Services increases sustainably sourced seafood on menu

Mark Gold, UCLA associate vice chancellor for environment and sustainability and IoES faculty member told the UCLA Daily Bruin, “I think it’s great for the students (as) a learning opportunity…


California Today: Why This Year’s Low Snowpack Doesn’t Indicate a Drought

“We are always looking for the saving grace in California… Is this a miracle March? Is this an awesome April? Is this a miraculous turn around? It’s amazing how often…


Here’s what that last storm did for California’s water supply

“As of right now it’s not yet a March miracle… We doubled it, but that’s still not nearly enough. We’d need to get multiple more storms like this to get…


Climate science degree will extend UCLA’s commitment to environmental research and teaching

The UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) will have a new Bachelor’s degree in climate science beginning Spring 2018. UCLA Newsroom interviewed AOS/IoES researchers and faculty members Jochen…


Long Term Exposure to Green Spaces Affects Children’s Cognitive Development

“As we get more and more of this evidence, it’s the duty of policy makers and urban planners to start looking at nature as a very positive solution to many…


UCLA report highlights ‘disturbing, sobering’ inequalities in South Los Angeles

“This report is a sobering snapshot of the inequalities that have persisted in South Los Angeles 50 years since the 1968 report,” stated Paul Ong, director of the Center for Neighborhood…

ucla report highlights ‘disturbing, sobering’ inequalities in south los angeles


La nueva vida del río de Los Ángeles y los miedos al desplazamiento de sus vecinos

“Hay planes para revitalizarlo y reanimar su relación con las comunidades circundantes en las 51 millas que recorre al pasar por la ciudad. Y con esos planes llegan los temores…

ucla institute partners with tv station for environmental media project


Can the L.A. River Avoid ‘Green Gentrification’?

“There are plans to revitalize the river and its relationship to surrounding communities all along its 51-mile course through the city. And with those plans come fears of green gentrification…”…

ucla institute partners with tv station for environmental media project


Green Initiatives — By Themselves — Won’t Boost Productivity

UCLA Anderson featured a study featured in Business & Society and co-authored by IoES faculty member Magali Delmas that found green practices are linked to higher productivity only if combined…

green initiatives — by themselves —  won’t boost productivity


UCLA study presents LA with a path to independence from imported water

UCLA Newsroom discussed a study by UCLA researchers that found capturing local stormwater, increasing the use of recycled water, cleaning up groundwater, and stepping up conservation measures could allow LA…

ucla study presents la with a path to independence from imported water


UCLA study reveals Southern California salt marshes in state of decline

“We still have a few decades before marshes begin to disappear quickly… the most important thing would be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to help reduce the amount of warming…

rising sea levels put pacific salt marshes at risk for extinction, study finds


Rain, snow and hail pound Northern California at end of bone-dry February

“It’ll be a nice white snowpack by later in the week… [but] this week alone isn’t going to cut it,” according to Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist, who spoke with…


UCLA institute partners with TV station for environmental media project

The UCLA Daily Bruin featured an article about UCLA’s Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies collaborating with television station KCET to combine humanities and science, creating online multimedia pieces that highlight…

ucla institute partners with tv station for environmental media project


West Coast Wetlands Could Nearly Disappear in 100 Years

Scientific American featured an article co-authored by IoES faculty members Glen MacDonald and Richard Ambrose that found Pacific salt marshes in California and Oregon could be underwater by 2110.

west coast wetlands could nearly disappear in 100 years


Beach Culture verses Tech Money: Fight!

Wired featured a quote from Jon Christensen, IoES faculty member and co-author of a report about beach access in California about property rights by the ocean; “…the rule of thumb is,…


With sea level rise, a major California ecosystem faces extinction if we don’t act

“After years of intensive surveying and modeling of topography, vegetation and sedimentology of marshes from the Tijuana Estuary in California to the Port Susan Bay Estuary in northern Washington, my…


California and Oregon Salt Marshes Could Disappear By Turn of Century, Study Says

The Weather Channel discussed an article written by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey and UCLA (including IoES faculty members Glen MacDonald and Richard Ambrose) that found tidal wetlands in…


Salt marshes will vanish in less than a century if seas keep rising and California keeps building, study finds

The LA Times spoke with UCLA professor of geography, Glen MacDonald, and professor of environmental health, Richard Ambrose, about a study they co-authored that found salt marshes in CA and…

salt marshes will vanish in less than a century if seas keep rising and california keeps building, study finds


Wetlands in California and Oregon Could Disappear with Sea Level Rise

Newsweek featured a study co-authored by faculty members Glen MacDonald and Richard Ambrose that studied topography, tides, vegetation, underlying sediments, and water level data from Tijuana, Mexico, to Port Susan, Washington and…

wetlands in california and oregon could disappear with sea level rise


California’s coastal marshes could be washed out to sea by 2110

89.3 KPCC spoke with faculty member Glen MacDonald about a research he co-authored that indicated marshes along the California Coast may disappear if we continue emitting greenhouse gases at our…