IoES in the News


California’s future: More big droughts and massive floods, new study finds

Daniel Swain, NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow and lead author of the study told Mercury News that, “all of our wet winters and big flood events are due to atmospheric rivers… What…

california’s future: more big droughts and massive floods, new study finds


California’s Water Whiplash is Only Going to Get Worse

“There’s actually a huge change in the character of precipitation variability.” “It doesn’t mean it will always be raining, but it does mean that eventually all that water has to…

california’s water whiplash is only going to get worse


California Risks Severe ‘Whiplash’ From Drought to Flood: Scientists

“Such a future can be partially, but not completely, avoided” if the world takes tougher action, said Daniel Swain, postdoctoral-scholar/climate scientist and lead author of the study discussed by U.S.…

california risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists


California’s deadly 1862 flood likely to repeat within 50 years, study says

According to Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist and lead author of the study to the San Francisco Chronicle, “it’s still a rare event… but it goes from being something at…

california’s deadly 1862 flood likely to repeat within 50 years, study says


New Study: Precipitation Whiplash is Hitting California, and It’ll Get Worse

Daniel Swain (IoES postdoctoral scholar/ climate scientist) told Weather Underground that a 1862-style megaflood, “goes from extraordinarily rare to just very unusual, and that’s a very big problem. We haven’t…

new study: precipitation whiplash is hitting california, and it’ll get worse


California’s wild extremes of drought and floods to worsen as climate warms

Daniel Swain, IoES postdoctoral scholar/ climate researcher told USA Today that whiplash events, extreme dry to wet conditions from year to year, could occur around 8x per century in a…

california’s wild extremes of drought and floods to worsen as climate warms


Climate change could leave Californians with ‘weather whiplash’

“In a place like California, we really need to be thinking about both risks [drought and flood] simultaneously,” said Daniel Swain, IoES post-doctoral scholar and lead author of the study…

climate change could leave californians with ‘weather whiplash’


Critter Crafting and Ocean Acidification Education with the Turning the Tides Practicum Team

On Saturday April 21st, Turning the Tides had a successful outreach event at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium for their Earth Day celebration. The team hosted a “Critter Crafting” activity,…

critter crafting and ocean acidification education with the turning the tides practicum team


The Ebony Project

Taylor Guitars has launched The Ebony Project, a multimedia storytelling platform that highlights their history of West African ebony use for guitars and their current efforts to ensure the sustainability of…

the ebony project


State parks turnaround deserves voter support

UCLA IoES faculyt member and UCLA Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies co-founder Jon Christenses recently co-authored a San Francisco Chronical opinion piece in support of Prop 68, a $4 billion water…

state parks turnaround deserves voter support


Climate change will make California’s drought-flood cycle more volatile, study finds

“We really need to be thinking seriously about what we’re going to do about these risks,” Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist told the LA Times about the findings in a…

climate change will make california’s drought-flood cycle more volatile, study finds


Illegal wildlife trade likely unstoppable without dramatic shift in public awareness

“You can see this cycle where species go from being common to being rare because of the food trade, and then rare to extremely rare or extinct because of the…

illegal wildlife trade likely unstoppable without dramatic shift in public awareness


Wilder Weather Swings in California’s Future Could Spell Disaster

A new study showed with increased frequency of extreme weather events in California, Daniel Swain, the study’s lead author and IoES post-doctoral scholar, told KQED that, “I can definitely attest…

wilder weather swings in california’s future could spell disaster


Fighting Ocean Acidification With Underwater Forests

News Deeply featured one of this year’s Environmental Science B.S. senior practicum projects, Turning the Tides: Santa Monica Bay Ocean Acidification Project, and their work with the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundationresearching how…

fighting ocean acidification with underwater forests


Grad student looks into epidemic of outbreak narratives in media

IoES faculty member and Ursula Heise spoke with the UCLA Daily Bruin about how outbreak narratives could leave younger generations with an unrealistically bleak outlook on life.

grad student looks into epidemic of outbreak narratives in media


Why California is fighting for tough vehicle emissions standards

“We have a history of the auto industry declaring how difficult it is to comply with regulations… Inevitably, it costs less than they say and they’re capable of making changes.…


UCLA professor heads long-term evolutionary biology project on marmots

The Daily Bruin highlighted IoES faculty member Daniel Blumstein’s as head of the Marmot Project of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory.

ucla professor heads long-term evolutionary biology project on marmots


UCLA conference to tackle water challenges in regions most impacted by climate change

by Jack Schwada On May 7, partners from across campus will host a conference highlighting UCLA’s commitment to sustainability and environmental issues at the global level. Water in the Middle…

ucla conference to tackle water challenges in regions most impacted by climate change


What role should the L.A. River play in a future Los Angeles?

The LA Times featured an article highlighting a UCLA Grand Challenges study that suggested if the city meets its goal of capturing run-off and treated water, the LA River may…

what role should the l.a. river play in a future los angeles?


Rolling back fuel economy standards could mean bigger cars — and less progress on climate change

“We see larger cars getting more fuel efficient and regular combustion engines getting more fuel efficient. I don’t think that happens without government regulations,” said IoES faculty member/ UCLA Law…

rolling back fuel economy standards could mean bigger cars — and less progress on climate change


California’s Nearly Dismal Snow Year a Harbinger of Things to Come

“At the end of February things were not looking so great, things were extremely dry throughout the state… The whole winter had been very warm, in some place the warmest…

california’s nearly dismal snow year a harbinger of things to come


The Sierra Nevada snowpack will be 64% smaller by the end of this century. We need to prepare now

“We’re going to lose a lot of snow to climate change. Equally worrisome, California’s water infrastructure is not resilient enough to make up for the loss.” Alex Hall & Katharine…

the sierra nevada snowpack will be 64% smaller by the end of this century. we need to prepare now


La nueva vida del río de Los Ángeles y los miedos al desplazamiento de sus vecinos

Jon Christensen published an Op-Ed in La Opinión that discussed gentrification as a result of the revitalization of the LA River. 


EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California

Ann Carlson, UCLA Law professor and IoES faculty member told the LA Times that, “Given the work that needs to be done to bring the transportation sector along and the…


About half of Americans don’t think climate change will affect them — here’s why

Why do only 45% of Americans think that global warming will pose a serious threat in their lifetime when climate change is already affecting the world? What can be done…

about half of americans don’t think climate change will affect them — here’s why