IoES in the News


Study Links Extreme California Weather Swings To Climate Change

The KHTS Hometown Station based in Santa Clarita, CA noted the extreme weather patterns of recent years seen in Santa Clarita mirror the findings by climate scientists Daniel Swain, David…


California could be hit by deadly megafloods that leave homes under 30 FEET of water before the end of the century, study warns

The Daily Mail shared findings from a new study co-authored by Daniel Swain, David Neelin, and Alex Hall that found California will experience, “climate whiplash,” with extreme floods and dry…

california could be hit by deadly megafloods that leave homes under 30 feet of water before the end of the century, study warns


Study forecasts a severe climate future for California

Prevention Web featured the research of Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin about the increasing precipitation volatility in twenty-first-century California on their site.

study forecasts a severe climate future for california


California’s Drought-Flood Whiplash to Get Way More Dramatic by the End of this Century featured an article anout Daniel Swain, David Neelin, and Alex Hall’s new “climate whiplash” study and potential implications for California.

california’s drought-flood whiplash to get way more dramatic by the end of this century


Climate Change Will Only Make California’s Weather Whiplash Worse

Earther reported that the findings of co-authors Daniel Swain, David Neelin, and Alex Hall’s new study will, “have implications for Californian of all stripes, from people living in wildfire-prone areas…


Perdue appoints Greenwood, Schwartz to NOSB

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has appointed James Greenwood to the National Organic Standards Board. He will fill the environmental protection and resource conservation seat and has served as faculty for…


Metro wants to end free rides for clean-air vehicles in toll lanes

“Most of the population doesn’t know anything about electric vehicles… For them to see signs in the toll lanes that allow these cars, or even to see vehicles in the…

metro wants to end free rides for clean-air vehicles in toll lanes


Scott Pruitt’s New Rule Could Completely Transform the EPA

“To anyone who’s looked at a lot of EPA rules, this rulemaking is extraordinary in the lack of reference to any legal authority,” Sean Hecht, IoES faculty member and UCLA…

scott pruitt’s new rule could completely transform the epa


California’s Next Climate Change Challenge is Water Whiplash

The Union of Concerned Scientists highlighted a, “groundbreaking paper,” co-authored by Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that indicated, “the state has already entered a period of increased extreme…

california’s next climate change challenge is water whiplash


California can expect more and more extreme weather events, due to global warming

“California should brace for both extreme drought and extreme rainfall to take turns ravaging the Golden State,” ZME Science told its readers in regards to a new report co-authored by…

california can expect more and more extreme weather events, due to global warming


More whiplash weather in store for California

Nature included findings from a study led by Daniel Swain, NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow, that projected, “by 2085, dry-to-wet transition events will increase by 25% in northern California and by up to…

more whiplash weather in store for california


California screaming: the biggest economy in the US faces catastrophic climate challenges

Cosmos Magazine featured a study co-authored by Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that found California will have frequent precipitation whiplash events due to climate change. The team used past…

california screaming: the biggest economy in the us faces catastrophic climate challenges


Report: Climate Change Is Driving Precipitation ‘Whiplash’ in California

“If you try to adapt for precipitation that is the same as it used to be versus precipitation that is wildly more variable than it used to be – there…

report: climate change is driving precipitation ‘whiplash’ in california


California faces steep increase in ‘precipitation whiplash,’ threatening infrastructure

Mashable quoted Daniel Swain, NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow and climate scientist, who said the result of the study, “is pretty eyebrow-raising, certainly to me, it and may raise some eyebrows in…

california faces steep increase in ‘precipitation whiplash,’ threatening infrastructure


California’s droughts and deluges are a sign of the weather “whiplash” to come

Daniel Swain, lead author of the study and NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow told Vox, “essentially [it’s] referring to rapid transitions between extremes of opposing character, so between extreme wet and extreme…


California risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists

Reuters included a quote from the report published by co-authors Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin: “natural precipitation variability in this region is already large, and projected future whiplash…

california risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists


California to ‘whiplash’ between drought, floods: study

Yahoo News (U.S. & U.K.) discussed a study co-authored by Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that found California will experience more frequent climate extremes and zigzags from floods…

california to ‘whiplash’ between drought, floods: study


California’s future: More big droughts and massive floods, new study finds

Daniel Swain, NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow and lead author of the study told Mercury News that, “all of our wet winters and big flood events are due to atmospheric rivers… What…

california’s future: more big droughts and massive floods, new study finds


California’s Water Whiplash is Only Going to Get Worse

“There’s actually a huge change in the character of precipitation variability.” “It doesn’t mean it will always be raining, but it does mean that eventually all that water has to…

california’s water whiplash is only going to get worse


California Risks Severe ‘Whiplash’ From Drought to Flood: Scientists

“Such a future can be partially, but not completely, avoided” if the world takes tougher action, said Daniel Swain, postdoctoral-scholar/climate scientist and lead author of the study discussed by U.S.…

california risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists


California’s deadly 1862 flood likely to repeat within 50 years, study says

According to Daniel Swain, IoES climate scientist and lead author of the study to the San Francisco Chronicle, “it’s still a rare event… but it goes from being something at…

california’s deadly 1862 flood likely to repeat within 50 years, study says


New Study: Precipitation Whiplash is Hitting California, and It’ll Get Worse

Daniel Swain (IoES postdoctoral scholar/ climate scientist) told Weather Underground that a 1862-style megaflood, “goes from extraordinarily rare to just very unusual, and that’s a very big problem. We haven’t…

new study: precipitation whiplash is hitting california, and it’ll get worse


California’s wild extremes of drought and floods to worsen as climate warms

Daniel Swain, IoES postdoctoral scholar/ climate researcher told USA Today that whiplash events, extreme dry to wet conditions from year to year, could occur around 8x per century in a…

california’s wild extremes of drought and floods to worsen as climate warms


Climate change could leave Californians with ‘weather whiplash’

“In a place like California, we really need to be thinking about both risks [drought and flood] simultaneously,” said Daniel Swain, IoES post-doctoral scholar and lead author of the study…

climate change could leave californians with ‘weather whiplash’


Critter Crafting and Ocean Acidification Education with the Turning the Tides Practicum Team

On Saturday April 21st, Turning the Tides had a successful outreach event at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium for their Earth Day celebration. The team hosted a “Critter Crafting” activity,…

critter crafting and ocean acidification education with the turning the tides practicum team