IoES in the News


Aradhna Tripati named Geological Society of America fellow

Professor Aradhna Tripati was named a Geological Society of America (GSA) fellow at the organization’s spring meeting in April. Founded in 1888, GSA serves geoscientists in academia, government and industry. Fellowships…

aradhna tripati named geological society of america fellow


Dismal Western Snowpack Is a Climate “Warning Sign”, Neil Berg

“There’s been a growing body of evidence that there have been some long-term declines in Sierra snowpack,” said UCLA climate scientist Neil Berg, one of the report’s authors, noting that…

dismal western snowpack is a climate “warning sign”, neil berg


Congratulations to Carl Maida, one of two 2017-2018 IoES Pritzker Environment and Sustainability Education Fellows

Carl Maida, instructor for Environment 185A/B/C (Education for Sustainable Living Program Action Research) has been selected as one of two IoES Pritzker Environment and Sustainability Education Fellow for the 2017-2018 academic year. …


Congratulations to Colleen Callahan, one of two 2017-2018 IoES Pritzker Environment and Sustainability Education Fellows

Colleen Callahan, Director of the UCLA IoES Leaders in Sustainability program and instructor for Environment 277 has been selected as one of two IoES Pritzker Environment and Sustainability Education Fellows for the 2017-2018…


Student group raises awareness for environmental racism with forum

IoES Center for Diverse Leadership in Science director, Aradhna Tripati spoke at the Environmentalists of Color Collective at UCLA’s Climate Justice Forum on May 8, 2018. The Daily Bruin highlighted Professor Tripati’s…

student group raises awareness for environmental racism with forum


Trump Eyes Twice-Failed Legal Strategy to Fight California Regulations

“It strikes me as an extraordinarily weak legal argument,” said Ann Carlson, a UCLA law professor and IoES faculty member to Transport Topics about a new federal proposal that seeks…

trump eyes twice-failed legal strategy to fight california regulations


Big utilities are desperately trying to stick customers for the bills from California wildfires

“This is emblematic of a whole host of problems we’re going to see from climate change, where in the aggregate everybody loses and the question is how you allocate those…

big utilities are desperately trying to stick customers for the bills from california wildfires


Precipitation whiplash and climate change threaten California’s freshwater

The Washington Post reports on big changes coming to Sierra snowpack, highlighting recent research by Alex Hall, Daniel Swain, and colleagues at the IoES Center for Climate Science.

precipitation whiplash and climate change threaten california’s freshwater


Climate Change Could Leave Californians With ‘Weather Whiplash’

CBS San Francisco highlighted findings by climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that projected increased climate “whiplash” in California with extreme wet to dry weather seasons. 


California’s future: More big droughts and massive floods, new study finds

The Santa Cruz Sentinel discussed the implications of the findings in climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin’s new paper that projected an increased frequency of extreme wet…


UCLA Study Forecasts a Severe Climate Future for California

The Sierra Sun Times shared an article about UCLA climate research that predicts dramatic shifts between extreme dry and extreme wet weather by end of 21st century.

study forecasts a severe climate future for california


Climate change will make California’s drought-flood cycle more volatile, study finds

The Garden Island featured an article highlighting the projections of increased extreme wet and dry weather seasons in California made by climate scientists Daniel Swain, David Neelin, and Alex Hall…


California is in store for even more volatile weather, study finds

The Star Tribune featured an article about increased extreme wet and dry weather in California, a finding recently published in co-authors Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin’s new study…


Study: Climate Change Could Leave Californians With ‘Weather Whiplash’

CBS Sacramento featured an article about the research of climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that projected increased frequency of extreme wet and dry seasons due to…


Study Predicts Wetter Winters And Climate “Whiplash” In California’s Future

KPVR, Valley Public Radio featured an interview with Daniel Swain, climate scientist, IoES NatureNet Postdoctoral Scholar and lead author of the study.

study predicts wetter winters and climate “whiplash” in california’s future


‘Weather Whiplash’: Climate Change Will Make California’s Drought-Flood Cycle More Volatile, Study Finds

KTLA quoted Daniel Swain, IoES NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow/ climate scientist and lead author of the study. “In a place like California, we really need to be thinking about both risks…

‘weather whiplash’: climate change will make california’s drought-flood cycle more volatile, study finds


California’s wild extremes of flooding and drought will only get worse as the planet warms

Inhabitant featured an article about the increased frequency of wet-to-dry weather seasons, as projected by climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin in their latest article.

california’s wild extremes of flooding and drought will only get worse as the planet warms


California risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists

KFGO Radio featured research completed by climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that found California will suffer increased volatile weather this century due to a warming world.

california risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists


Climate Change Will Make California’s Drought-Flood Cycle More Volatile, Study Finds

“We really need to be thinking seriously about what we’re going to do about these risks,” Daniel Swain, climate scientist and co-author of the study said.”Climate change is creating a…

climate change will make california’s drought-flood cycle more volatile, study finds


In California, climate change will mean increasing ‘weather whiplash’

The Press Democrat reported on the findings and implications of a study co-authored by climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that projected swings from severe drought to extreme…

in california, climate change will mean increasing ‘weather whiplash’


California to ‘whipsaw’ between drought, floods: study discussed findings from a paper published in Nature Climate Change by UCLA climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin. The study projected that wet-to-dry extremes in California may…

california to ‘whiplash’ between droughts, floods


California risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists

EMTV Online featured research co-authored by climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that projected an increased frequency of extreme wet and dry weather seasons as a result…

california risks severe ‘whiplash’ from drought to flood: scientists


Flooding, Fire, Drought, Repeat: California Has A New Normal

The Pacific Palisades Patch featured an article about research co-authored by IoES scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that projected dramatic swings between dry and wet years as the…

flooding, fire, drought, repeat: california has a new normal


Repeated extreme weather of floods / droughts

Yon Hap News, a Korean news site, highlighted the findings of a new paper co-authored by IoES climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin, that projected an increased…

repeated extreme weather of floods / droughts


Climate Change Could Increase ‘Whiplash’ Between Wet and Dry Years in California, Leading to More Disasters

EcoWatch discussed a study led by IoES NatureNet Postdoctoral Fellow and climate scientist, Daniel Swain. They included quotes from him about the dangers of the climate “whiplash” and how it…