IoES in the News
Paul Barber’s research article on sushi ‘fish fraud’ among most downloaded
The article, published in Conservation Biology, was downloaded 1,751 times in the 12 months following its publication.
This Device Pulls Water Out of Desert Air
"The idea of sucking water out of the atmosphere is not new", says Eric Hoek in the Smithsonian. “The real innovation [of Yaghi's research] is a materials innovation... These materials pull water out and more easily give it up."
The Case for ‘Sanctuary Cities’ for Endangered Species
"[W]hat if we deliberately offered sanctuary to endangered species in our cities—those that are native, of course, but also those that are not?" - Ursula Heise, in CityLab.
Wild parrots fill the soundscape in Los Angeles
"Parrots are not uncommon around Los Angeles. More than a dozen different species have established wild populations in the area, descendants of pet birds that escaped at some point and managed to make a home for themselves in some part of the sprawling metropolis," Ursula Heise writes in Elemental.
Endangered species and the case for ‘sanctuary cities’
Brad Shaffer, a biology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, notes that cities not only destroy habitat, but also create new living spaces for animals and plants. (Wired)
KCET: Is Los Angeles Truly a Hotspot for Biodiversity?
Published as part of an environmental storytelling partnership with the Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS) at UCLA, with extensive contributions from faculty and MFA students in UCLA’s documentary film program in…
José González in REI
José González is the founder of Latino Outdoors and Pritzker nominee. He is an experienced educator as well as a K-12 public education teacher, environmental education advisor, outdoor education instructor…
This endangered Australian marsupial was set to make a comeback—until it stopped fearing wild dogs
“One of the main conservation strategies now is building predator-proof fences,” Daniel Blumstein told Science Magazine.
EPA To Eliminate California’s Ability to Set Own Emissions Standards
“This proposal is an extraordinary repudiation of sensible climate policies, an assault on California’s environmental leadership, and another gift to the fossil fuel industry,” Ann Carlson told Bloomberg.
Clouds are disappearing in Southern California, and we’re not totally sure why
"If you put lots of concrete and buildings on the surface, you do change the properties of the local microclimate," Daniel Swain said to Mashable.
Can this bird adapt to a warmer climate? Read the genes to find out
Rachael Bay, UCLA postdoctoral fellow, discussed her work reading the DNA of yellow warblers wth the Bird Genoscape Project. They found that precipitation was the most strongly correlated with genetic…
Major paint companies lobby California lawmakers to overturn a court ruling forcing them to clean up lead in homes
The companies “want to scare people into thinking this is going to be this dramatic problem for the real estate community and maybe tenants, and it’s hard for me to…
Forecast for California: More frequent wild weather swings
“Rather than considering average precipitation, as most previous studies have, we instead focused on wet and dry precipitation extremes specifically using a large ensemble of climate model simulations,” Daniel Swain,…
Oil companies want SF, Oakland climate lawsuits dismissed
“It’s hard to know what’s going to happen with the suits,” stated Sean Hecht, co-director of UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and IoES faculty member to…
Siberian bogs may play a crucial role in greenhouse gas
Total rainfall might not change much averaged across these sharp shifts between very dry and very wet years, but “it doesn’t just wash out in the end,” said Daniel Swain to MIT Technology Review.
Adaptation to Global Water Shortages
The latest KCET Earth Focus episode features Jon Christensen (IoES adjunct assistant professor, UCLA Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies co-founder) and Yoram Cohen (IoES faculty member, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering professor) of UCLA.
Willow flycatchers, already an endangered species, also imperiled by climate change featured an article about the willow flycather’s serious environmental challenges on their website.
Turning Fog Into Water Transforms Women’s Lives in Morocco
“The climates in Southwest Morocco and California are somewhat similar, and there is a possibility to use the fog making technology in California but on a smaller scale,” Daniel Swain,…
Stalls, stops and breakdowns: Problems plague push for electric buses
Rajit Gadh, director of the Smart Grid Energy Research Center at UCLA and faculty member at IoES explained electric vehicle battery power loss and power drains to the Los Angeles Times.
American Elements Funds UCLA Center For Diverse Leadership In Science
PR Newswire reported that American Elements, a manufacturer and supplier of engineered and advanced material products with distribution and manufacturing in Europe, Asia, South America and China, has provided funding for the UCLA IoES Center for Diverse Leadership in…
California, battered by global warming’s weather whiplash, is fighting to stop it
The Guardian referenced a study by IoES climate scientists Daniel Swain, Alex Hall, and David Neelin that found wet and dry extremes will only worsen in California as temperatures continue to…
Trump Plans to Fight California Car Rules With Twice-Failed Strategy
“It strikes me as an extraordinarily weak legal argument,” Ann Carlson, UCLA Law professor told Bloomberg about the White House asserting a 1975 law prohibiting states from setting their own…
Auto executives got more than they bargained for in lobbying Trump to ease fuel standard
Ann Carlson, UCLA professor of law told the Chicago Tribune that car companies, “opened up a Pandora’s box when they asked for these fuel economy standards to be loosened around…
EPA’s move to fast-track Orange County groundwater cleanup questioned
Sean Hecht, UCLA Law professor, IoES faculty member, and Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment co-director spoke with Los Angeles Times about the expedited selection of an Orange County,…
Pruitt NAAQS memo part of broad strategy to weaken air regs, lawyers say
Sean Hecht, UCLA Professor of Law, IoES faculty member, and Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment Co-Director spoke with Utility Dive about EPA Administrator Scott Pruit’s membo outlining…