IoES in the News


José González in Bay Nature

Pritzker nominee and Latino Outdoors founder, José González writes about “The Consequences of Lines on a Map” in Bay Nature. 

josé gonzález in bay nature


Tracking China’s Muslim Gulag

Dan Hammer, 2017 Pritzker award winner, is leading a project to make sense of Earth imagery — to help people “read” images like they read the news. Hammer, of Earthrise Media, worked…

tracking china’s muslim gulag


Peter Kareiva, four other IoES faculty included in list of most influential scholars

In its annual list, Clarivate Analytics names the most highly cited researchers by other scientific research papers in 21 fields across the sciences and social sciences. The 2018 list is…


Campus Queries: What is the impact of wildfires on wildlife in California?

Glen MacDonald, a distinguished professor in the department of geography and the department of ecology and evolutionary biology, said wildfires are common during winter in California, but have been starting…

campus queries: what is the impact of wildfires on wildlife in california?


The New Abnormal: Climate Effects on the Fire Season Are Just Beginning

Last year was California’s most destructive fire season — until this year. The Golden State is in the midst of what Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UCLA and the…

the new abnormal: climate effects on the fire season are just beginning


Is California wildfire partly man-made?

US officials have yet to draw conclusions on the cause of the inferno. There is no doubt that the dry Mediterranean climate of California is susceptible to wildfires, but the…

is california wildfire partly man-made?


A 24-year-old has invented a new way to break down plastic waste and prevent it from landing in the ocean

Pritzker winner Miranda Wang is the cofounder and CEO of BioCellection, a company that focuses on recycling polyethylenes, the most common but least recyclable type of plastic. Most polyethylenes, like…

a 24-year-old has invented a new way to break down plastic waste and prevent it from landing in the ocean


Study Finds Los Angeles is Getting Hotter, Threatening Electric Reliability

“We need to move to a decarbonized economy, and that will require significant changes in land use, among other factors,” said Stephanie Pincetl, project principal investigator, professor in residence and…

study finds los angeles is getting hotter, threatening electric reliability


In California, the Heat Is Already On

Studies show that what’s coming is ominous. By mid-century, the four to six weeks of extremely hot weather recorded in the San Fernando Valley each year might double, said Alex…

california’s fourth climate change assessment report | kpcc-fm


California fires: Why there will be more disasters like Paradise

While 3 degrees of warming in the past 40 years might not seem like a lot, it makes a big difference in the moisture levels of plants, said Daniel Swain,…

california fires: why there will be more disasters like paradise


California fires: Why there will be more disasters like Paradise

While 3 degrees of warming in the past 40 years might not seem like a lot, it makes a big difference in the moisture levels of plants, said Daniel Swain,…

california fires: why there will be more disasters like paradise


How climate change is fueling California’s wildfires- Glen MacDonald

Glen MacDonald, a UCLA distinguished professor of geography and of ecology and evolutionary biology in the UCLA Geography Department points out in one of his current research publications, that the…

how climate change is fueling california’s wildfires- glen macdonald


University helps LA meet its Grand Challenge

“UCLA is excited to work with LADWP as a research partner to answer some of the city’s most critical water and energy sustainability questions,” added Mark Gold, the university’s associate…

university helps la meet its grand challenge


Pritzker finalist, Asha de Vos, on BBC’s 100 Women 2018

Asha de Vos was named in the BBC 100 Women: 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2018. 23) Asha de Vos, 39 – Marine biologist, Sri Lanka.…

meet the pritzker award candidates: #1-5


For Those Grappling With California Wildfires, Dangerous Air Quality Is a New Risk

“The main pollutant that comes from the fire is called particular matter, or PM. The most health-relevant particles are in sizes smaller than 2.5 microns—they’re pretty tiny particles,” says Yifang…

for those grappling with california wildfires, dangerous air quality is a new risk


See how a warmer world primed California for large fires

That vegetation-drying effect compounds with every degree of warming, explains Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, meaning that plants lose their water more efficiently…

see how a warmer world primed california for large fires


The wildfires are the latest example of the need to address climate change

“If you look at the 20 biggest fires in the state, 15 of those have happened since 2000,” UCLA geography professor Glen MacDonald told Reuters. “There are now bigger fires,…

the wildfires are the latest example of the need to address climate change


Drier Autumns Are Fueling Deadly California Wildfires

In a Q&A, California climate scientist Daniel Swain breaks down the influences on the state’s devastating blazes and what the future could bring.

drier autumns are fueling deadly california wildfires


Climate Scientist Who Fled CA Wildfire: We’re Going to Keep Paying Price If We Ignore Climate Change

About the fire, you know, in some ways, this is a typical late fall, early winter fire event, with very, very high Santa Ana wind speeds, ignition at a time…

glen macdonald


How do wildfires start? All it takes is a spark

UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain said that “if Northern California had received anywhere near the typical amount of autumn precipitation this year (4-5 inches of rain near the Camp Fire point…

how do wildfires start? all it takes is a spark


Take A Good Look America, This Is What The Reckoning Looks Like

“Some folks will say, well, a few degrees of temperature increase, fires are burning at 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, how can that possibly make a difference?” says UCLA climate scientist Daniel…

take a good look america, this is what the reckoning looks like


UCLA and LADWP to fund water and energy research benefiting customers

“UCLA is excited to work with LADWP as a research partner to answer some of the city’s most critical water and energy sustainability questions,” said Mark Gold, the university’s associate…

ucla and ladwp to fund water and energy research benefiting customers


The weather and climate behind the California infernos that wrecked Paradise and torched Malibu

Climate change has “shortened the rainy season at both ends” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California Los Angeles, in an email.

the weather and climate behind the california infernos that wrecked paradise and torched malibu