IoES in the News


Stephanie Pincetl in Daily Bruin: LA County and UCLA could face similar obstacles in plans to go carbon neutral

Phasing out fossil fuels in LA County will be challenging for several reasons, one of which is the county’s historical legacy of oil drilling, said Stephanie Pincetl, professor-in-residence at the…

stephanie pincetl burrill-award


Daniel Swain in Mercury News: The ‘Blob’ is back: New marine heat wave emerges off West Coast

A massive marine heat wave that caused record warming of ocean waters off the West Coast five years ago, sending salmon numbers crashing and malnourished sea lions washing up on…

fighting ocean acidification with underwater forests


Jon Christensen in UCLA Newsroom: Prioritizing equity helps ensure poor communities receive benefits of bond measures

UCLA’s Jon Christensen discusses his new study of California’s Proposition 1

prioritizing equity helps ensure poor communities receive benefits of bond measures


Daniel Blumstein in NPR: The Other Twitterverse: Squirrels Eavesdrop On Birds, Researchers Say

Squirrels eavesdrop on the casual chitchat of birds to figure out when it’s safe enough to be out in the open and foraging for food. Researchers have found that a…

daniel blumstein


Daniel Swain in CNBC: Freaked out about the future of the planet? Don’t let fear ruin your finances

With the planet at stake, who can blame you for not saving 10% of your income for a future you’re not sure will arrive? While it’s easy to feel powerless,…

giant ‘waves’ in the sky are wreaking havoc on our weather, study says


Travis Longcore in Truth or Fiction: How Much Ground Would the Amazon Rainforest Fires Cover Inside the United States?

While the final toll of their damage has yet to be assessed, enough fires had torn through the Amazon rainforest in August 2019 that a similar outbreak would devastate several…

the future of fire in santa barbara county


Magali Delmas in Daily Bruin: Legislative act could create catalyst in reduction of statewide plastic waste

Magali Delmas, a professor and the director of the UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance, said she hopes this bill will encourage entrepreneurs to create and promote plastic alternatives. Those…

drowning the oceans in plastic: an international approach is needed to protect them from an environmental disaster


Deepak Rajagopal in UCLA Newsroom: To accelerate environmental benefits of EVs, prioritize miles over ownership

In an article in Environmental Research Letters, UCLA associate professor Deepak Rajagopal and Amol Phadke of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories argue that, despite fast-growing demand, the potential of battery-powered electric vehicles…

to accelerate environmental benefits of evs, prioritize miles over ownership


Dr. Michael Stenstrom awarded Fair Distinguished Engineering Educator Medal

The Fair Medal recognizes accomplishments in the education and development of future engineers. This award honors Gordon Maskew Fair, a professor of sanitary engineering at Harvard University. This year’s recipient,…

michael stenstrom


Daniel Swain in InsideClimate News: What Does ’12 Years to Act on Climate Change’ (Now 11 Years) Really Mean?

Despite the rising risks, it’s important to understand that, “in the physical climate system, there are no scientists claiming that there is a magical threshold that we breach or don’t…

why i march for science


Liz Koslov in NY Times: How to Rebound After a Disaster: Move, Don’t Rebuild, Research Suggests

“I’m so glad that these kinds of pieces are getting written and that they’re laying out this sort of agenda for research and practice and thinking around these like very…

big utilities are desperately trying to stick customers for the bills from california wildfires


Daniel Swain in LA Times: Could a hurricane lash Los Angeles? 80 years ago, this deadly storm came close

The heat wave and the tropical storm were probably related. As Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA, says, the storm not only broke the heat wave, it also played…

air quality app influences behavior by linking environment to health


Bradley Shaffer in Berkeley News: How red-eared invaders are hurting California’s native turtles

Red-eared sliders are the most commonly traded pet turtles in the world, but are often released into the wild by disgruntled owners when they get too big to handle. Thanks…

scientists decode genome of painted turtle, revealing clues to extraordinary adaptations


PhD candidate Edith de Guzman in The Guardian: Cooling goo sidewalks and other strange new weapons in the war on urban heat

Creamy asphalt sealant lowers the surface temperature of a road roughly 10F. But the shade from a mature, leafy tree can provide more like 40-50F (22-28C) of cooling power, on…

edith de guzman


Yifang Zhu in Time Magazine: How to Avoid Vehicle Pollution When You’re Stuck in Traffic

Most non-electric motor vehicles emit multiple airborne pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, and ultrafine chemical particles. Breathing in these pollutants can cause or contribute to a wide range of health problems, from…

auto executives got more than they bargained for in lobbying trump to ease fuel standard


Jon Christensen in Washington Post: Two mass killings a world apart share a common theme: ‘ecofascism’

There is a danger of “apocalypticism,” said Jon Christensen, an adjunct assistant professor at the University of California at Los Angeles who has written extensively on the use and misuse…

green gentrification, jon christensen in la times


Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in Landscape News: Why land tenure must be at the center of climate talks

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, 2019 Pritzker candidate, was quoted in Landscape News about legal recognition for Indigenous peoples and local communities.  Offering a response to this research was Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim,…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


UCLA Newsroom: Professor wins award for book on ‘green’ products

Magali Delmas, an environmental economist and professor in the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and her co-author David Colgan, have recently won the 2019 Organizations and the Natural…

the green bundle: pairing the market with the planet


Eco Watch: Lightning Surprises Near North Pole With 48 Strikes

“It has been an extraordinary year and an extraordinary summer in the far north,” University of California, Los Angeles climate scientist Daniel Swain told National Geographic.

daniel swain in wired: why lightning strikes in an arctic gone bizarro


Rome News Tribute: As California’s recycling industry struggles, companies and consumers are forced to adapt

Even during the days when China absorbed the bulk of American recyclables, much of what they purchased wasn’t actually recycled. After more desirable materials were gleaned, some of it was…

david colgan in la times: as california’s recycling industry struggles, companies and consumers are forced to adapt


University of California news: UCLA to lead $10 million California conservation project

UCLA scientists are leading a $10 million project to help California officials make ecologically wise decisions as the state continues to confront the effects of climate change.  The California Conservation Genomics…


Daniel Swain in National Geographic: Lightning struck near the North Pole 48 times. Here’s why it’s not normal.

“It has been an extraordinary year and an extraordinary summer in the far north,” says Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Lightning in the…

Daniel Swain


Daniel Swain in Smithsonian Mag: Rare Lightning Strikes Detected 300 Miles From North Pole

It’s an indication that things are changing rapidly in the Arctic, UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain tells Matt Simon at Wired. He explains that typically convective storm clouds need to…

daniel swain in wired: why lightning strikes in an arctic gone bizarro


Daniel Swain in Wired: Why Lightning Strikes In An Arctic Gone Bizarro

“It’s this stable layer in the atmosphere that acts essentially as a lid on these convective clouds,” says UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain. One of these convective clouds needs to…

daniel swain in wired: why lightning strikes in an arctic gone bizarro


David Colgan in LA Times: As California’s recycling industry struggles, companies and consumers are forced to adapt

Even during the days when China absorbed the bulk of American recyclables, much of what they purchased wasn’t actually recycled. After more desirable materials were gleaned, some of it was…

david colgan in la times: as california’s recycling industry struggles, companies and consumers are forced to adapt