IoES in the News


Alan Barreca in The Conversation: Pregnant women have a higher risk of delivering early on unseasonably hot days

Barreca writes for The Conversation on his latests research on climate change and early child birth. “About a quarter of children in the United States are born two to three…

many pregnancies are shorter as climate change causes more 90-degree days


Alan Barreca Study in Nature Climate Change: The Impact of High Ambient Temperatures on Delivery Timing and Gestational Lengths

Alan Barreca’s evidence suggests that heat exposure increases delivery risk for pregnant women. Acceleration of childbirth leads to shorter gestation, which has been linked to later health and cognitive outcomes. 


Alan Barreca in USA Today: Climate Change Impact: Hot Temperatures Shorten Pregnancies, Study Suggests

The key finding was that birth rates spiked right around the days the temperature exceeded 90 degrees. After the hot weather passed, birth rates fell. “That’s enough to take somebody…


2019 Pritzker Winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in Red Pepper: Review – This Is Not A Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook

 This Is Not A Drill has been written to clarify, inform, inspire and equip the people who are undecided yet interested in moving deeper into the climate action zeitgeist Extinction…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


Chad Thackeray in Daily Stock Dish: Arctic Could be Nearly Ice-Free within 50 Years — Study

According to Chad Thackeray’s research from the University of California, the Arctic Ocean will be nearly ice-free for part of each year beginning sometime between 2044 and 2067 if current…

global climate model evaluation


Alan Barreca Study in Science Alert: Babies Are Predicted to Be Born Earlier in The Extreme Heat of Climate Change

Alan Barreca’s research has found that extreme heat makes babies rush to the exit sooner, leading to an average of 25,000 US infants a year born a little early due…

alan barreca study in science alert: babies are predicted to be born earlier in the extreme heat of climate change


Alan Barreca Featured in NBC News: Very Hot Weather Prompts Early Births, Study Says

“We saw a spike in births on hot days,” said study author Alan Barreca, an associate professor in environmental economics at the University of California, Los Angeles. For example, Barreca…

many pregnancies are shorter as climate change causes more 90-degree days


Alan Barreca Study in CNN: Warming temperatures put women at risk of giving birth early, study says

The study by Alan Barreca, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, found that on days when temperatures soar past 90 degrees Fahrenheit, birth rates increase 5%.  A 5%…

alan barreca- does climate change affect fertility?


Alan Barreca in Time: How Rising Temperatures Due to Climate Change are Shortening Pregnancies

According to a new study published in Nature Climate Change, rising temperatures may have a direct impact on human gestational time, increasing the risk of early delivery.  To study this effect,…


Alex Hall Research Referenced in The New York Times: ‘Turn Off the Sunshine’: Why Shade Is a Mark of Privilege in Los Angeles

Alex Hall and researchers at U.C.L.A. have forecast that Los Angeles is likely to see a sharp increase in the number of days of extreme heat — defined as 95 degrees…

alex hall research referenced in the new york times: ‘turn off the sunshine’: why shade is a mark of privilege in los angeles


Chad Thackeray and Alex Hall in High North News: New Study Narrows Window for Ice Free Arctic to as Early as 2044

A new study by Chad Thackeray and Alex Hall at UCLA narrows down forecasts for an “ice-free” Arctic to between 2044 and 2067. The researchers used a new approach using…

chad thackeray and alex hall in high north news: new study narrows window for ice free arctic to as early as 2044


Daniel Swain Quoted in Mitú: This Bomb Cyclone is Plastering the West Coast and Making it Tough to Travel

You may not have planned to stay home for the holidays—but our country’s current weather situation might keep you there. Two powerful storms have been forming on both coasts, which…

Daniel Swain


Daniel Swain Quoted in The Los Angeles Times: Fire Followed by Rain in Santa Barbara Brings Relief Along with Anxiety

“This may be the rare situation where rainfall puts out a coastal Southern California wildfire,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UCLA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

daniel swain-sq


Yifang Zhu Quoted in Study Suggests Checking Overseas Air Pollution Levels Prior to Travel Abroad

Neither Beijing nor Los Angeles is known for its clean air, but Beijing’s air quality is significantly worse. “Los Angeles used to be nearly as polluted as Beijing is today,”…

yifang zhu


2018 Pritzker Finalist Asha De Vos in Forbes: What’s It Like To Be Sri Lanka’s First Whale Biologist?

Sri Lanka is an island nation with more than 8000 square miles of territorial waters, home to 29 documented species of marine mammals, including five large whale species – but…

2018 pritzker finalist asha de vos in forbes: what’s it like to be sri lanka’s first whale biologist?


What they’re reading: 2019 Pritkzer Award candidates book recommendations

At the 2019 Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award ceremony, each candidate recommended a book. Here’s the list, for anyone who wants to think like a young environmental genius, and just…

what they’re reading: 2019 pritkzer award candidates book recommendations


Ann Carlson Writes Opinion in Legal Planet: Greenhouse Gas Regulations Under the Clean Air Act Are Doomed

Ann Carlson writes for Legal Planet: “…We will not have expansive policy to tackle climate change until Congress acts. And Congress won’t act unless the Democrats can take the  Senate…


Daniel Swain Quoted in Redding Record Searchlight: Historic ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Crashes into Coast, Sending Rain and Snow Shock Waves Inland

Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA and author of the Weather West blog, posted a satellite image of the cyclone and tweeted admiringly of it.  “Gorgeous GOES-17 imagery depicting explosively deepening…

daniel swain quoted in redding record searchlight: historic ‘bomb cyclone’ crashes into coast, sending rain and snow shock waves inland


Daniel Swain Quoted in KGW8 NBC: What is a Bomb Cyclone? Major Storm Hits Southern Oregon, Northern California

A “bomb cyclone” has unleashed blizzard-like conditions in Southern Oregon and northern California. The storm developed rapidly as it approached land, bringing a quick transition into windy weather with high…

giant ‘waves’ in the sky are wreaking havoc on our weather, study says


Victoria Sork in Sierra Sun Times: UCLA Led-Study Finds One of California’s Iconic Tree Species Offers Lessons for Conservation

New research led by UCLA evolutionary biologist Victoria Sork examines whether the trees being replanted in the wake of California’s fires will be able to survive a climate that is…

Victoria Sork


Yifang Zhu Quoted in University of California News: Planning a Trip Abroad? Before You Pack, Check the Air Pollution Levels

Neither Beijing nor Los Angeles is known for its clean air, but Beijing’s air quality is significantly worse. “Los Angeles used to be nearly as polluted as Beijing is today,”…

yifang zhu


2018 Pritzker Finalist Asha De Vos Identifies Elephant Seal off Coast of Siri Lanka for Mongabay

Using amateur video shared on social media, marine biologist Asha de Vos identified the animal as a southern elephant seal, named for its nose that resembles an elephant’s trunk. The…

meet the pritzker award candidates: #1-5


Daniel Swain Quoted in The LA Times: California Faces a Rainy, Snowy Thanksgiving not Made for Instagram-Ready East Coast Trolling

“This is already pretty much the latest fire season I think that anyone can remember in the northern part of the state.”

giant ‘waves’ in the sky are wreaking havoc on our weather, study says


Sean Hecht Writes for Legal Planet: How Does Increasing Wildfire Risk Affect Insurance in California?

Many are worried insurance may become unaffordable or unavailable in high-risk wildfire areas, making it impossible for homeowners to obtain mortgages. Sean Hecht examines the question as it applies to…

sean hecht


Victoria Sork in UCLA Newsroom: One of California’s Iconic Tree Species Offers Lessons for Conservation

New research led by UCLA evolutionary biologist Victoria Sork examines whether valley oak trees being replanted in the wake of California’s fires will be able to survive a climate that…

Victoria Sork