IoES in the News


Ann Carlson in E&E News: Virus brings blue skies to big cities. Will that last?

Visible improvements in air quality offer an opportunity for climate action, said Ann Carlson, a law professor at UCLA who specializes in the Clean Air Act. Climate policy is complicated…


Yifang Zhu’s research featured in Electrek: Your gas-fueled home appliances aren’t good for your health, study finds

Replacing gas with electric appliances in California homes would prevent around 350 premature deaths each year and produce $3.5 billion in annual health benefits from cleaner air. This is according…

yifang zhu


Thomas Gillespie’s research featured in UCLA Newsroom: L.A. County’s biodiversity is on the map, thanks to UCLA researchers

Thomas  Gillespie, a UCLA geography professor, and his team created the Biodiversity Atlas of Los Angeles, a website that provides a better understanding of the region’s environment, biodiversity, and endangered…

thomas gillespie


CNN article featuring Peter Daszak and hunting viruses to predict pandemics

Peter Daszak, senior research fellow at the Center for Tropical Research was featured in a CNN article on coronaviruses. Daszak is a virus hunter. Over the past 10 years, he…

peter daszak


Ann Carlson in The Economist: Think a respiratory virus pandemic is a good time to cut air-quality regulations?

If so, the White House agrees with you.  On April 16th the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final recommendation that it was no longer “appropriate and necessary” to regulate…


James Bassett in The Daily Bruin: The Quad: Victory gardens can be a way to grow food, sense of purpose during quarantine

James Bassett, a lecturer from UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, said that victory gardens, often known as “liberty gardens,” were an effort to encourage Americans to grow their…


Physical Sciences Dean Miguel García-Garibay and Former Director Mary Nichols Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The dean of Physical Sciences, Miguel García-Garibay and former IoES Director Mary Nichols were elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation’s most prestigious honorary…


2019 Pritzker Winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in BBC News — Earth Day: Meet the original eco warriors protecting the planet

Indigenous people account for less than 5% of the world’s population – but they support or protect 80% of the planet’s biodiversity. “Our people have survived for centuries,” says 2019 …

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


Biologist receives award from the American Ornithological Society

Tom Smith, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, was honored by the American Ornithological Society for decades of work studying birds. The Elliot Coues Award is given annually to “outstanding and…

thomas smith


Travis Longcore Qutoed in Tech Times: Elon Musk Says Alcohol Caused SpaceX Engine Failure; Launches Falcon 9’s 84th Flight

Elon Musk, CEO and founder of SpaceX, said on Twitter on Wednesday, April 22, that the failure of a single Merlin engine in the most recent Starlink launch was due…

travis longcore, ph.d.


2019 Pritzker Award Winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in Remezcla: A Few Things We Can Learn From Indigenous Leaders on Earth Day & Beyond

According to the BBC, “Indigenous people account for less than 5% of the world’s population—but they support or protect 80% of the planet’s biodiversity.” 2019 Pritzker Award winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


Pritzker Winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim on Panel Discussion for Thrive Global: Rise Up for the Great Reset

Can there be any doubt that a reset of very nearly everything will emerge from this time of contagion and confusion?  2019 Pritzker winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim was a panelist…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


Jon Christensen in The Los Angeles Times: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75

Lewis MacAdams, a poet and crusader for restoring the concrete Los Angeles River to a more natural state and co-founder of one of the most influential conservation organizations in California,…

jon christensen


Pritzker Nominator Emma Marris in Slate Podcast: How To Save the Planet (And Still Use a Plastic Straw)

In this episode of Slate’s “How To!”,  Emma Marris, an environmental writer and Pritzker nominator, warns us not to fall into the trap of individual guilt. In other words, don’t…

a conversation on politics, ethics and well-being in the anthropocene


Pritzker Nominator writes for Nature: On the 50th Earth Day, take collective action for the planet

Reducing your own carbon footprint is not as powerful as calling governments and companies to account.  Environmental writer and Pritzker nominator Emma Marris writes “there are as many ways to…

editing nature: scientists call for careful oversight of environmental gene editing


Daniel Swain in The Los Angeles Times: Global warming is making western U.S. ‘megadrought’ the worst in centuries, study says

A two-decade-long dry spell that has parched much of the western United States is turning into one of the deepest “megadroughts” the region has experienced in more than 1,200 years,…

daniel swain in the los angeles times:


Daniel Swain on Jefferson Public Radio — Climate Change Leads To More Fall Fires In California

The old impulse is to think of wildfires as creatures of the summer.  But that is no longer strictly the case in California.  Daniel Swain joins them to discuss change,…

daniel swain in nbc news: some parts of california had no rain in february — and are already seeing wildfires


Daniel Swain Mentioned in The New York Times — Study: Warming Makes US West Megadrought Worst in Modern Age

Scientists used thousands of tree rings to compare a drought that started in 2000 and is still going — despite a wet 2019 — to four past megadroughts since the…

giant ‘waves’ in the sky are wreaking havoc on our weather, study says


Yifang Zhu in International Policy Digest: How COVID-19 Could Impact Air and Water Quality

Dr. Yifang Zhu, an environmental health sciences professor at UCLA, and her colleagues examined Southern California air quality from March 16 to April 6 and found a 20% improvement during…


Daniel Swain in The Weather Channel: Climate Change Is Stoking What May Be a Long-Term Megadrought in Western U.S.

Daniel Swain, a scientist with UCLA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, has researched the “hot drought” phenomenon in California. “I think this is interesting work and is indeed…

Daniel Swain


Yifang Zhu in Cal Matters: As Californians stay at home, air quality improves – for now

The global coronavirus pandemic has inadvertently achieved what state officials have sought to do for decades: Californians have parked their cars. Freeways and highways are clear. And the constant burn…

yifang zhu


Yifang Zhu in Inhabitat: Los Angeles air quality improves amid pandemic

There is one positive impact of the tragic coronavirus pandemic — Los Angeles is experiencing its longest stretch of good air quality since 1995. “With less cars on the road and…

yifang zhu


IoES Director Peter Kareiva in Deforestation surged following end of armed conflict in Colombia

A new study co-authored by IoES Director Peter Kareiva and researchers from Colombia concludes that a failure of government systems is the main cause of Colombia’s rapid deforestation.


2019 Pritzker Winner Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim in Thrive Global — Climate Justice in the Time of COVID: 5 Lessons From Women and Girls Leading the Fight

COVID-19 is a health, economic and social crisis, but it also holds out an opportunity for the world to move forward into a more equitable and green recovery. Women climate…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


IoES Director Peter Kareiva and colleagues’ study featured in Mirage News: Deforestation surged following end of armed conflict in Colombia

Deforestation is skyrocketing in the country with the world’s second-highest number of species. The cause? Ineffective conservation in protected areas following decades of civil war.  Researchers from UCLA  including the…

peter kareiva