IoES in the News


Alex Hall in The Los Angeles Times: California faces unprecedented dangers as record heat, dryness combine with fierce winds

To Alex Hall, director of the UCLA Center for Climate Science, and others, the wildfire conditions this year underscore how the changing climate is fundamentally altering the dynamics of fighting…

alex hall delivers turco lecture to american geophysical union


Ted Parson in MIT Technology Review: How the world already prevented far worse warming this century

The landmark, ozone-addressing Montreal Protocol is an example of countries coming together to tackle a massive environmental problem.  Distinguished professor Ted Parson discusses with MIT Technology Review the lessons learned…

understanding complex international questions about geoengineering


Daniel Swain in Newsweek: California’s Dixie Fire Grows to Over 568K Acres as Triple Digit Temperatures Are Expected

“It’s very unlikely that this fire will be contained before the winter rains and snows arrive,” Swain previously told Newsweek, “and that has been the case really ever since this fire made…

daniel swain in yale environment 360: climate whiplash – wild swings in extreme weather are on the rise


Edward Parson in the Los Angeles Times: The new report on climate change is dire. What can I do about it?

“One of the most important things that individual citizens can do is for themselves to understand the problem & support … candidates for political office who understand the severity of…

understanding complex international questions about geoengineering


Daniel Swain in Newsweek: When Will The Dixie Fire Be Contained? Wildfire Could Burn Until Winter Rain Arrives

“It’s very unlikely that this fire will be contained before the winter rains and snows arrive,” UCLA climate scientist Swain added, “and that has been the case really ever since…

daniel swain-sq


Deepak Rajogopal in Storage Café: Best Metros for Electric Cars

IoES Professor Deepak Rajagopal weighs in for Storage Cafe: in order for EVs to be successful, we must make sure cities – including multifamily units – have charging infrastructure &…

wallet hub- 2018’s most and least energy efficient states


Daniel Swain in Salon: The Dixie Fire is moving too fast for California’s emergency alert systems

Even though California has been bracing itself for a potentially devastating fire season by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on prevention measures, some experts say the state hasn’t invested enough in…

daniel swain-sq


Daniel Swain in Grist: The best-case climate scenario is going to be extremely hard

On Monday, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report that makes it unequivocally clear that human beings have locked in a measure of warming for the planet that…

Daniel Swain


Christa Hasenkopf Interview for Berkely Earth: How can a $10 million dollar investment help address global air inequality?

In the second episode of Berkeley Earth’s podcast “Data Points,” they speak with atmospheric scientist, and air quality open-data advocate Dr. Christa Hasenkopf from UCLA’s Institute of Environment and Sustainability…

meet the 2019 pritzker candidates 11-15


Daniel Swain weighs in for Grist: The Dixie Fire is moving too fast for California’s emergency alert systems

Even though California has been bracing itself for a potentially devastating fire season by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on prevention measures, some experts say the state hasn’t invested enough…

state of fire


Alan Barreca in The Los Angeles Times: Northwest heat wave swamped the vulnerable, was a harsh climate wake-up call

“The really important and complex point is that places that are already hot — and are going to get hotter — are already adapted. They have air conditioning and they…

alan barreca


Alex Hall in NPR: In California, 1 State Is Seeing 2 Drastically Different Responses To The Drought

Every corner of California is in drought, and it’s playing out very differently in two of the largest metropolitan areas – San Jose and Los Angeles. Climate change is affecting…

alex hall delivers turco lecture to american geophysical union


Dennis Lettenmaier in The Guardian — West Nile virus: another alarming side effect of US drought

A growing body of research shows that the West Nile virus can thrive in drought conditions in the American West. According to UCLA scientist Dennis Lettenmaier, tools to combat the…

dennis lettenmaier


Rebecca Shipe in the Daily Bruin: UCLA researchers to study effects of wastewater spill in Santa Monica Bay

UCLA researchers tested water for environmental hazards affecting ocean life following a recent sewage spill in the Santa Monica bay. The 17 million gallons of sewage spewed from the emergency-use…



Alex Hall Quoted in The New York Times: A Crucial System of Ocean Currents Is Faltering, Research Suggests

Alex Hall, the director of the Center for Climate Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study, said that although the findings did…

alex hall delivers turco lecture to american geophysical union


Gregory Okin in Popular Science: How to lower your dog or cat’s carbon pawprint

“I like dogs and cats, and I’m definitely not recommending that people get rid of their pets or put them on a vegetarian diet, which would be unhealthy,” UCLA geography…

gregory okin in vox: i don’t eat meat. should my dog?


UCLA Engineers Clinch First Place in Global Sustainability Innovation Competition

A team of UCLA researchers took home the top prize on Wednesday at the 2021 Liveability Challenge for their work on using seawater as a medium for carbon removal. The UCLA…

daniel swain in kxan nbc: ‘smoke cyclone:’ airborne ash from california fires creates disturbing satellite image


Pablo Saide featured on VOA News: fires can generate their own weather

Pablo Saide discusses how fires can generate their own weather and that when they get to be so extreme that can result in fire-generated thunderstorms and other phenomena. 

Pablo Saide


Daniel Swain in Wired: Oh Good, Now There’s an Outbreak of Wildfire Thunderclouds

Huge pyrocumulonimbus clouds just formed over fires in the West. Here’s why they could become more common on a warmer planet. “If there is an increase in these clouds, the…

daniel swain-sq


Program co-produced by UCLA storytelling lab wins local Emmy

An episode of the series “Earth Focus,” which is co-produced by UCLA’s Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies, or LENS, has won a Los Angeles Area Emmy Award. The episode, called “Coal Mining…

Man loading coal on truck from Emmy-winning episode.


Daniel Swain quoted in Axios — Study: Get ready for many more record-shattering heatwaves

All I can say is, wow, what a remarkably prescient paper,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA, noting that it was completed and submitted for publication prior to…

what a year: extreme heat, rain, record number of 100-degree days


Stephanie Pincetl in The Hill: Humans are the cause of most wildfires. Climate change will make that worse

In California, the electric utilities’ infrastructure runs through highly flammable areas. “There’s just no question about that because we bring electricity long distance into the urbanized areas,” said Stephanie Pincetl,…

stephanie pincetl, phd


Daniel Swain in Grist: Is climate change happening faster than expected? A climate scientist explains.

“I’m less convinced that recent events tell us that things are moving faster than projections have suggested,” Swain said. “But I am increasingly convinced that we’ve underestimated the impacts of…

daniel swain-sq


Daniel Swain in The Washington Post: Here’s what to know about dry thunderstorms and how they increase wildfire risk

“And if that layer under the cloud base is somewhat dry, as it often is out West, a lot of that water can evaporate before it actually hits the surface.…

Daniel Swain


Alex Hall in UCLA Newsroom: Climate change definitively linked to increases in extreme rain and snow, UCLA research finds

A UCLA study published in Nature Communications shows definitively that abnormally heavy rain and snowfall events around the world are becoming more severe due to human-driven climate change. “These findings…

alex hall delivers turco lecture to american geophysical union