IoES in the News


Lara Cushing in The Daily Bruin: Bruins voice concerns about proposed state ban on oil, gas drilling

A recently proposed state ban on oil and gas drilling would create the strictest environmental standards in the nation, but UCLA community members raised concerns about existing oil wells that…

lara cushing


Daniel Swain in BuzzFeed: The World Is On Track To Warm 3 Degrees Celsius This Century. Here’s What That Means

There’s a very real chance the planet will warm up an average of 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) this century — and that would be disastrous. All of this,…

daniel swain in wired: why lightning strikes in an arctic gone bizarro


Karen McKinnon receives prestigious Packard fellowship

UCLA climate statistician Karen McKinnon was selected to the 2021 class of Packard Fellows for Science and Engineering. The honor is given annually to 20 innovative early-career scientists and engineers,…



Deepak Rajagopal Research Featured in Sloan Foundation: Two researchers have figured out how to help taxi drivers go electric

“We need targeted policies aimed at people who most need the support and who give the biggest societal benefit,” says Rajagopal. “We also need to understand the reasons why people…

deepak rajagopal


American Geophysical Union awards Aradhna Tripati with Willi Dansgaard Award

Aradhna Tripati was awarded the Willi Dansgaard Award at this year’s fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The award recognizes Tripati for her work in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology. It…

aradhna tripati


Beate Ritz Research Featured: UC study of Sacramento-area residents links air pollution to increased Type 2 diabetes risk

A team of University of California scientists said they have found a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes in older Californians who live — and exercise outdoors — in communities with poor…

beate ritz


Shonda Rhimes to Introduce Honoree “Little Miss Flint” at UCLA’s Institute of Environment and Sustainability Virtual Gala

The TV mogul has been confirmed to participate in UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability gala by introducing newly-announced honoree Amariyanna Copeny, also known as Mari or “Little Miss Flint.” The…



Brad Shaffer in The Guardian

The size but also the severity of today’s wildfires is a growing concern. Fires that exhibit erratic behavior and burn with more intensity are more likely to leave behind only…


Alex Wang weighs in on Reuters Analysis: China’s hard climate stance with U.S. imperils Glasgow talks

China’s refusal to accept requests for deeper carbon emissions cuts during recent visits from the top climate envoys of the United States and Britain may undermine progress at the upcoming…

alex wang


Listen to Alan Barreca’s KCRW interview: Why extreme heat can hurt expectant moms

Alan Barreca, an associate professor at the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and a team of researchers explored the connection between early pregnancies and heat, and found that…

alan barreca


Daniel Swain in The Washington Post: Extreme flooding to increase as temperatures rise, study finds

“This new research demonstrates how climate change could actually have divergent effects for very large but rare floods versus smaller but more common floods,” Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at…

Daniel Swain


Rajit Gadh in Los Angeles Business Journal: LA Companies Give Renters More Ways to Charge EVs

To reach a zero-emissions future, Los Angeles will need to install chargers in multi-unit homes such as apartments and condos. “It is absolutely essential that we all work toward the…

rajit gadh


William Boyd on the California Recall Election and its Impact on Climate Policy — CNBC

The recall election in California to remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom could weaken the state’s climate policies and have national implications for efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions. “While a…

william boyd


Laurent Pilon in UCLA Newsroom: Professors recognized for respective contributions to heat transfer field

Laurent Pilon, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is being recognized by the 2021 American Society of Mechanical Engineers for his interdisciplinary contributions to the field of heat transfer…

laurent pilon


Cara Horowitz in The New York Times: California Recall Vote Could Weaken the State’s Aggressive Climate Policies

UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute co-executive director Cara Horowitz says that a recall of Gov. Newsom could stymie California’s effort to cut its GHG emissions by 40% by the end of…

cara horowitz


Is it time to conserve water by not flushing the toilet? Alex Hall and Stephanie Pincetl weigh in

People are being asked to do their part to conserve water: take shorter showers, don’t let the faucet run, fix that leaky sprinkler and so on. Which begs the question:…

Stephanie Pincetl


Daniel Swain quoted in The Guardian — ‘Fire weather’: dangerous days now far more common in US west, study finds

The hot, dry, and windy weather conditions fueling the huge wildfires that have besieged the western US this summer have increased in frequency over the past 50 years, a new…


Daniel Swain in The New York Times: Lake Tahoe Suffocates With Smoke

With a fast-expanding wildfire roaring just one ridge away from the Tahoe basin, residents were in flight this week from smoke so toxic and thick that it spiked past the…

Daniel Swain


Daniel Swain in Bloomberg: Life-Threatening’ Rain Targeting New Orleans Has Climate Link

The kind of ‘life-threatening’ rainfall that could flood New Orleans from Hurricane Ida likely has a link to climate change. “Any given hurricane today is holding more water and producing more precipitation…

Daniel Swain


Daniel Swain weighs in on Hurricane Ida in Forbes

UCLA weather expert atmospheric scientist Daniel Swain astutely tweets, “50 – 100 mile jog to the right/east from the current ensemble mean track centerline would bring Ida right over the warmest part…

Daniel Swain


Yifang Zhu in Daily Bruin: UC system maintains first-place ranking nationally in green power use

Yifang Zhu, an environmental health sciences professor, explained there are numerous opportunities for UCLA to become more sustainable, such as collaborating with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power…

yifang zhu


Jared Diamond: Covid-19 made people realize global problems for the first time

Covid-19 can help us make global decisions to solve mankind’s greatest problems, chiefly climate change, social inequality, and unsustainable use of natural resources, said Jared Diamond, biologist & professor at…

jared diamond


Courtney Cox honoring UCLA IoES with a special performance for its October gala

The actress filmed a video during a rehearsal with musicians Natasha Bedingfield and Rod Castro for a special performance on October 13 in honor of UCLA’s Institute of the Environment…

Courtney Cox