Climate Heroes
Quick Facts
Ready to get started?
Ideas and questions to kick-start your thinking
Make a documentary
- What organization is making an impact?
- What’s something we can all do to help?
Write your own story
- What would a climate superhero look like?
- What about a supervillain?
Climate Facts
- 97 out of 100 climate experts think humans are changing global temperature.
- Sea level is expected to rise 1-4 feet by 2100.
- Droughts are projected to become more intense.
- The Arctic Ocean is expected to become essentially ice free in summer before midcentury.
- Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks will increase wildfires.
Do your own research—a couple resources to get you started
Climate Heroes Films, Class of 2018
1st place: A Place Called Home
by Edgar Gamez and Devin Lona of LAUSD/USC Media Arts and Engineering Magnet
2nd place: Feed the Soil
by Desly Cervantes, Valerie Contreras and Steven Lucio of LAUSD/USC Media Arts and Engineering Magnet
3rd place: Renewable Man & Recycling Boy
by Sebastian Tamayo, Eddie Carias, Hyu Ishisaka, James Lipsett, Francisco McCurry and Shawn Hua of Environmental Charter High School
Environmental Heroes
In 2017, the category Climate Heroes was called Environmental Heroes. Here are the top three films from Environmental Heroes.
A Helpful Herd of Environmental Heroes (best film)
by Tana Carrillo, Maxi Coulter, Crystal Kober, Amia McCombs, Adrianna Ortega of Providence High School.
My Mother, My Eco-Hero (first runner-up)
by Daniella Onofre of Environmental Charter High School Lawndale.
Eco-Heroes (second runner-up)
by Andrew Vu & Stephanie Prieto of Environmental Charter High School.