By Nathaniel Park 

The 2017 Integrated Pest Management team had great progress this week in our goal of bringing a 21st century mindset to pest prevention. Our team had its TGIF grant funding hearing this week where we laid out the immense benefits of the Bigbelly Solar Trash Compactors to the TGIF committee. The Bigbelly Solar Trash Compactors, as we mentioned before, are extremely useful to our goals of pest management because they are virtually impregnable to rodents who lack opposable thumbs and manual dexterity. If they somehow develop those then we may have larger problems than rodents getting into our trash. The compactors also offer great savings for our custodial staff because they require fewer trips and manpower for trash collection. Hopefully we will be approved and we can start the arduous journey of making them ubiquitous throughout campus.In addition to the TGIF proposal, we are also working hard on developing a methodology for documenting rodents getting into trash cans and dumpsters.  We hope to use this as evidence to convince staff members to change their behaviors which are affecting the prevalence of rodents on campus. We are also involved in mapping the locations on campus where rodents seem to find hospitable.

In addition to the TGIF proposal, we are also working hard on developing a methodology for documenting rodents getting into trash cans and dumpsters.  We hope to use this as evidence to convince staff members to change their behaviors which are affecting the prevalence of rodents on campus. We are also involved in mapping the locations on campus where rodents seem to find hospitable.