By Destiny Johnson 

In our weekly meeting with Emma Sorrell, our stakeholder, and Charles Wilcots, the Associate Director of Dining, we finalized the details regarding our student demographic survey – a project we launched this week. We made additional changes to our survey including reformatting the questions and answers and improving the word choice of specific questions. Our team did this in order to help participants gauge a better of understanding of what we are asking and fill out the survey quicker and more easily. After a brief overview with Emma and Charles of our final draft of questions we will be asking with, we set our survey into stone. This week we had two rounds of survey distribution and data collection and more detail regarding this is to come next week.

Another project we plan on starting in Week 8 is our focus group. With the goal of gaining a closer, more detailed outlook regarding the issue of food waste, our team will be asking a series of questions (that differ from the survey) to residents of the Sustainability Floor in Rieber Hall. Not only will be able to attain more assertive answers regarding our topic of research, but we will also be able to attain fresh perspectives toward possible solutions to mitigate food waste on the consumer-end of dining.

Our final topic of discussion during the meeting was the possibility of making a film regarding our research in collaboration with the Residential Life Media Team. The main theme of the film is set to be sustainability, especially with regards to communicating and providing outreach on our topic of food waste. We have yet to have a meeting with the media team but we plan to do so soon, in addition to producing a timeline of when to have the film ready by.