
Grand Theft Eco: The iBear in the River

LENS screening of the first episode of Grand Theft Eco: Environmental Futures of Los Angeles.

Grand Theft Eco is a machinima series and pedagogical engine that repurposes the video game Grand Theft Auto to explore possible eco-futures of LA in the year 2050.

burned down homes and scorched trees

Wildfire disaster, recovery, and resilience: what have we learned?

2024-2025 Focus on Environment and Sustainability Series

Wildfire recovery in the U.S., particularly in California, is a slow and complex process hindered by unique post-fire challenges like housing shortages, regulatory hurdles, and underinsurance, but innovative solutions are emerging to improve resilience and equity.

Xin Liu, The Mothership, detail, 2023

Breath(e): Toward Climate and Social Justice

Exhibition runs from Sep 14, 2024 to Jan 5, 2025

The exhibition considers environmental art practices that address the climate crisis and anthropogenic disasters and their inescapable intersection with issues of equity and social justice.

On Campus

UCLA-wide sustainability events calendar

For those interested in more campus events on the environment and sustainability, follow our friends at UCLA Sustainability.


Make or Break: Transforming U.S. Infrastructure to Meet Climate Goals

Buckle up. The transition to cleaner energy is speeding up and a pair of recent climate laws promises to really put America’s foot on the accelerator. But how these laws…

Upcoming Event: Climate-Wildfire-Stormwater Nexus Webinar April 10th

Join the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability’s Water Faculty and Student Group for an online seminar on the Climate-Wildfire-Stormwater Nexus on Monday, April 10, 2023 from 4:00-5:30 PM.…

30×30 California: Conservation Science and Policy in Action

Please join us for an informal presentation and lively discussion led by Dr. Jennifer Norris, the California Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat at the California Natural Resources Agency, as…

Environmental Justice Series Symposium — with Angela Johnson Meszaros

Angela Johnson Meszaros is a Managing Attorney at Earth Justice.  Angela’s docket focuses on working with communities of color on issues related to air pollution, energy, and the urban environment. For…

Fixing the climate: Rethinking climate policy in an uncertain world

Global climate diplomacy is stalling thanks to the same top-down approach used since the Kyoto Protocol. That’s the argument made by David Victor (UC San Diego) and Charles Sabel (Columbia…