Turning Climate Science Into Action
A Tale of Two Cities
Join us as we kick off our California Climate Expedition with a party and discussion about climate science and action in California!
As climate change continues unabated and California communities feel the impacts, it’s more important than ever that scientists inform climate problem-solving. In the Bay Area, the Climate Readiness Institute connects academics with stakeholders in the government, nonprofit, and private sectors to develop 21st-century adaptation solutions. In Los Angeles, the UCLA Center for Climate Science forms partnerships with water agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the best information about local climate change is used in planning and decision-making.
In this conversation with Andrew Jones, Deputy Director of the Climate Readiness Institute, and UCLA’s Alex Hall, Director of the UCLA Center for Climate Science, we’ll explore the most pressing climate adaptation problems that science can help address, as well as the challenges scientists face in turning their research into action — and we’ll learn about success stories and reasons for hope. Light refreshments will be served.
The event is free, but an RSVP is required.
- Andrew Jones, PhD — Deputy Director, Climate Readiness Institute; research scientist, Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Alex Hall, PhD — Director, UCLA Center for Climate Science; Professor, UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
- Moderator: Katharine Reich — Associate Director, UCLA Center for Climate Science