Redefining Ecocide
A discussion on redefining ecocide
Laemmle Theater in Los Angeles
In collaboration with the new documentary film, The People vs Agent Orange currently streaming at the Laemmle Theater in Los Angeles, The Promise Institute for Human Rights at the UCLA Law School invites you to a discussion on redefining ecocide – answering renewed calls to protect the environment and the life which depends on it.
William Boyd, moderator
Emmett Institute, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
David Zierler
Oral Historian at American Institute of Physics
Author of The Invention of Ecocide: Agent Orange, Vietnam, and the Scientists Who Changed the Way We Think About the Environment
Kate Mackintosh
Executive Director, Promise Institute for Human Rights, UCLA School of Law, Deputy Co-Chair of the Stop Ecocide Expert Drafting Panel on the legal definition of ecocide
Pamela McElwee
Associate Professor in the Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers, State University of New Jersey.
Author of Forests are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietnam
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
Shearwater Law PLLC, Attorney for Lincoln County community rights lawsuit against aerial spraying of herbicides in timber forests of Oregon
Amy Hay
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Rio Grande Valley.
Author of The Defoliation of America: Agent Orange Chemicals, Citizens, and Protests. (December 2021)
Co-sponsored by The Promise Institute for Human Rights, War Legacies Project, UCLA Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment, UCLA Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, UCLA Documentary Film Legal Clinic