Natura Urbana: The Brachen of Berlin

Online Film Screening & Urban Ecology Panel Discussion


Links to be Emailed

Online Film Screening & Urban Ecology Panel Discussion

In a time of physical distancing, come together to think about the similarities cities around the world share. Enjoy a personal screening of the film, followed by a recorded panel discussion exploring themes around urban ecology, landscape architecture, history, city planning, language, and more. Experts will consider how ideas from the film relate to issues in Los Angeles.

This event is free, but you must RSVP to receive links to the content. These will be emailed out by Friday April 17th, so that you may enjoy at any time during the weekend in your own time zone.

Panelists will include:

Related social handles include: @uclabotanical @natureinla @naturaurbana @sandrajasper_geog @theodorepayne @growninla