Diversi-Tea: Experiences of LGBTQ+ in STEM

Discussion around the experiences of LGBTQ+-identifying students, postdocs, and faculty in STEM.


UCLA: Grassy area on the hill in front of the white benches by the Student Activity Center (see image in descrption)

The Center for Diverse Leadership in Science invites you to a Diversi-Tea on Tuesday, May 29 5:00-6:30PM. This week’s discussion will revolve around the experiences of LGBTQ+-identifying (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and more) students, postdocs, and faculty in STEM. Two research papers are attached for your convenience (here and here); however, reading them is not required for participation. The papers are background reading for those who may have not thought about these issues before. Cookies and coffee will be provided!  

We will be meeting in the grassy area on the hill in front of the white benches by the Student Activity Center (see image below). All are welcome– please invite any friends, colleagues, or professors that you believe may find this discussion productive. We will have a sign!

diversi-tea: experiences of lgbtq+ in stem