‘Botany Brown Bag’ Lunch & Learn: Trees of Trees by Dr. Felipe Zapata

Hear historical insights about trees from Dr. Felipe Zapata in the Mathias Botanical Garden.


UCLA Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden, La Kretz Garden Pavilion
707 Tiverton Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Drop in for a new lunch and learn series. Enjoy a lunch break in the Garden and take home some new ideas about plants, people and animals.

This free public lecture series is continued by Dr. Felipe Zapata, who will give a talk entitled “Trees of Trees” on April 18 at 12pm. Stop in on your lunch break and take home some historical insights about trees in the Mathias Botanical Garden. BYOL (bring your own lunch). RSVP not required.


Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden