
Africa’s Readiness for Climate Change

The UCLA African Studies Center and the Earth Rights Institute invite you to engage in the 2021 virtual Africa's Readiness for Climate Change forum.

Participate online via Zoom

The inaugural 2021 forum will expand an integrated vision of “Green Development” in Africa that is both ecologically and economically sustainable, emphasizing local solutions to climate change developed by African stakeholders in urban and rural communities.


Register to Attend   Submit a Proposal

ARCC 2021 will assemble interdisciplinary panels of scholars, scientists, industry leaders, climate change innovators, youth activists, and policy-makers to discuss cutting-edge research and the most successful sustainable development projects unfolding on the ground. Participants will identify priorities for research and implementation and collaboratively develop a five-year action plan. If you are conducting climate change research or leading an initiative aligned with one or more of the conference’s envisioned themes, we encourage you to submit a proposal.

For more information visit the UCLA Africa Studies Center

Ousmane Pame, founder of REDES has a new documentary out. If you really want to know what Earth Rights Institute is about and what they have been advocating and stand for regarding initiatives for addressing climate action in Africa, please watch this new documentary Climate Change Does Not Need a Visa on Amazon Prime.

ARCC, initially planned for April 24-26, 2020, was postponed due to COVID-19. We are excited to announce that the inaugural forum has been rescheduled and will take place virtually on Zoom April 19-23, 2021, with participants joining from Africa, the U.S., and around the world.