Frequently Asked Questions
What is the D.Env. degree?
D.Env. stands for “Doctor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;” a professional degree.
Do I qualify? What are the basic requirements for admission?
The first requirement is a Master’s degree. Other requirements are: one year each of introductory biology (with laboratory), general chemistry (with laboratory, including analytical methods), calculus, introductory physics (with laboratory); one course each of elementary statistics, organic chemistry (no laboratory required)
What are the GRE requirements?
Students who wish to apply for admission to our graduate program are not required to take the GRE or submit a GRE score report as part of their application package. However, students may voluntarily submit GRE test scores and they will be reviewed as part of the holistic application consideration. The applications with GRE scores will not be given greater weight than those that do not include scores.
Only submit scores from the general GRE. No subject test is necessary. We accept valid GRE scores received in the last 5 years.
How do I send in my GRE scores?
The best and fastest way to get your GRE scores to us is to submit them electronically using UCLA code 4837. You do not have to input a department code. If you are required to input a department code, you can use code 0502. However, simply inputting the UCLA code will allow us to see your scores.
Can I request an application fee waiver?
Information on fee waivers can be found here: Our department must abide by the policies set by UCLA, and no exceptions are allowed beyond the information listed on the UCLA website.
Can I waive the TOEFL requirement if I am an international student?
You can waive TOEFL requirements only if you have completed at least two years of full-time study from a university located in the United States or in another country in which English is both the primary spoken language of daily life (e.g., Australia, Barbados, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, United Kingdom) and the medium of instruction. Please visit this site for more info.
What part does research play in the program?
Research is central to the Program. Students begin their research with a one-year “Solutions Course,” the focus of the final year on campus. Problems courses are conducted in close collaboration with an ESE faculty member, on a topic developed by the faculty, and culminate in a written report and/or a peer reviewed publication. Then, during their residency period, students conduct research leading to a doctoral dissertation on a topic of their choosing, while also meeting the needs of their host institution.
What is the residency, and how does it lead to a dissertation?
After completing the coursework and advancing to candidacy, students locate a professional position with a host institution, where their dissertation research is part of their professional duties. Typical host institutions are government agencies, the national laboratories, non-profits or private firms. A suitable host institution will have major environmental responsibilities and an orientation toward addressing basic problems of environmental science and policy. Students continue to work closely with the Program faculty, through their doctoral committee to ensure their dissertation meets high academic standards; and also work closely with their host institution to select and develop a topic that solves an important problem of interest to the institution.
What are the job prospects for graduates?
Excellent. ESE residents and graduates hold prominent positions in both the government and private sectors. In recent years the great majority of our second year students have received multiple offers for residency positions.
How long does it take to graduate?
The on-campus part of the program usually takes two years. The residency and writing of the dissertation can take anywhere from 18 to 36 months.
How do I send in transcripts?
Domestic applicants: You do not need to physically send in your transcripts until you are officially admitted to the program. During the general application process, you will be asked to upload unofficial copies of your transcripts.
International applicants: you must submit official transcripts during the application process. Official academic records must show the dates of enrollment; the subjects or courses taken, together with the units of credit or time allotted to each subject and, if rank is determined, rank in the total class or group. The records must also include a complete description of the institution’s grading scale or other standard of evaluation. Maximum and minimum marks and the steps between them must be indicated.
Unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution, the official records in their original language must be submitted with an authorized, complete, and exact English translation. Please see for more information.