​congo basin institute
Building a Sustainable Africa Together

​Congo Basin Institute

UCLA and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture are leading a multi-institutional initiative to develop the Congo Basin Institute (CBI), which will be a model for how universities can partner in international development. CBI is based at a research and education campus located in Yaoundé, Cameroon and offers lab and meeting space, accommodations, and assistance applying for research permits. CBI researchers conduct science that decision makers can use to address sub-Saharan Africa’s interlocking environmental and development challenges. 

Visit the CBI website


pangolin trafficking project

Pangolin Trafficking Project

This project aims to answer key questions about the natural history and conservation requirements of giant pangolins, one of the world’s most trafficked animals.

sustainable ebony project

Sustainable Ebony Project

The goal of the program is to enhance ebony stocks through community engagement while collecting crucial data to refine techniques for production and management.

congo basin institute

Congo Basin Institute

As UCLA's first foreign affiliate, the Congo Basin Institute in Cameroon provides a vital space for training and scientific research in Africa.

dja reserve

Dja Reserve

For the past 20 years, we have been conducting research in the Dja Biosphere Reserve and adjacent areas.  The Dja Biosphere Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in…

mapping evolutionary processes under climate change

Mapping Evolutionary Processes Under Climate Change

The Partnership for International Research and Education project seeks to develop an integrated framework for conserving central African biodiversity under climate change that is both evolutionary-informed and grounded in the socioeconomic constraints of the region.

center for tropical research

Rainforest Biodiversity and Speciation

Region:Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast), Australia, South America (Ecuador) These projects seek to understand the mechanisms important in generating rainforest biodiversity. Results from research on birds in Cameroon and…

rainforest restoration and seed dispersal

Rainforest Restoration and Seed Dispersal

Region: South America (Ecuador) Africa (Cameroon) These long-term studies examine the role of birds and primates as seed dispersers in the maintenance of tree diversity in West African and Neotropical…


Total records: 105

Evolution and conservation of Central African biodiversity: priorities for future research and education in the Congo Basin and Gulf of Guinea

Anthony, N. M.; Atteke, C.; Bruford, M. W.; Dallmeier, F.; Freedman, A.; Hardy, O.; Ibrahim, B.; Jeffery, K. J.; Johnson, M.; Lahm, S. A.; Lepengue, N.; Lowenstein, J. H.; Maisels, F.; Mboumba, J.; Mickala, P.; Morgan, K.; Ntie, S.; Smith, T. B.; Sullivan, J. P.; Verheyen, E.; Gonder, M. K.

Published Work | 2014 | Biotropica 47(1), 6–17


Pathogen-host associations and predicted range shifts of human Monkeypox in response to climate change in Central Africa

Thomassen, H. A.; Fuller, T. L.; Asefi-Najafabady, S.; Shiplacoff, J. A.; Mulembakani, P. M.; Blumberg, S.; Johnston, S. C.; Kisalu, N. K.; Kinkela, T. L.; Fair, J. N.; Wolfe, N. D.; Shongo, R. L.; LeBreton, M.; Meyer, H.; Wright, L. L.; Muyembe, J.; Buermann, W.; Okitolonda, E.; Hensley, L. E.; Lloyd-Smith, J. O.; Smith, T. B.; Rimoin, A. W.

Published Work | 2013 | PLoS ONE 8(7)


Intraspecific morphological and genetic variation of common species predicts ranges of threatened ones

Fuller, T. L.; Thomassen, H. A.; Peralvo, M.; Wolfgang, B.; Mila, B.; Kieswetter, C. M.; Jarrin-V, P.; Cameron Devitt, S. E.; Mason, E.; Schweizer, R. M.; Schluneggar, J.; Chan, J.; Wang, O.; Schneider, C. J.; Pollinger, J. P.; Saatchi, S.; Graham, C. H.; Wayne, R. K.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2013 | Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology 280(1763)


Predicting bird song from space

Smith, T. B.; Harrigan, R. J.; Kirschel, A. N.; Buermann, W.; Saatchi, S.; Blumstein, D. T.; de Kort, S. R.; Slabbekoorn, H.

Published Work | 2013 | Evolutionary Applications 6(6), 865–874


Mapping evolutionary process: a multi-taxa approach to conservation prioritization

Thomassen, H. A.; Fuller, T.; Buermann, W.; Milá, B.; Kieswetter, C.; Jarrín-V, P.; Cameron, S. E.; Mason, E.; Schweizer, R.; Schlunegger, J.; Chan, J.; Wang, O.; Peralvo, M.; Schneider, C. J.; Graham, C. H.; Pollinger, J. P.; Saatchi, S.; Wayne, R. K.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2011 | Evolutionary Applications 4(2), 397–413


Adaptive diversification and anthropogenic impacts on African rainforest biodiversity

Freedman, A.

Thesis | 2009

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The importance of conserving evolutionary processes

Smith, T. B.; Grether, G.

Published Work | 2008

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Impacts of hunting on seed dispersal in a Central African tropical forest

Wang, B. C.

Thesis | 2008

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Using High-Definition Satellite Imagery to Assess the Loss of Ecotone Habitats in the Congo Basin, 1999-2000

Saatchi, S.; Graham, C.; Smith, T.B.

Progress Report | 2000

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Biotic Surveys of Bioko and Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea, 1999

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; Girman, D.; Stauffer, D.; Mila, B.; Drewes, R.C.; Griswold, C.E.; Vindum, J.V.; Ubick, D., O'Keefe, K.; Nguema, J., Henwood, L.

Progress Report | 1999

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Ecology and speciation

Orr, M. R.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 1998 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13(12), 502–506


Dja Hornbill Project/Projet Calao, 1994-1998

Whitney, K.; Stauffer, D.; Holbrook, K.; French, A.; Poulsen, J.; Smith, T. B.; Fogiel, M.; Lamperti, A.; Hardesty, B.; Wang, B.; Clark, C.; Parker, V.T.

Progress Report | 1998

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Faunal Surveys of Selected Montane and Lowland Areas of Cameroon, 1996

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; McNiven, D.; Fotso, R.; Bruford, M.; Holbrook, K.; Lamperti, A.

Progress Report | 1996

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