Center for Tropical Research


Total records: 260

Evolution and conservation of Central African biodiversity: priorities for future research and education in the Congo Basin and Gulf of Guinea

Anthony, N. M.; Atteke, C.; Bruford, M. W.; Dallmeier, F.; Freedman, A.; Hardy, O.; Ibrahim, B.; Jeffery, K. J.; Johnson, M.; Lahm, S. A.; Lepengue, N.; Lowenstein, J. H.; Maisels, F.; Mboumba, J.; Mickala, P.; Morgan, K.; Ntie, S.; Smith, T. B.; Sullivan, J. P.; Verheyen, E.; Gonder, M. K.

Published Work | 2014 | Biotropica 47(1), 6–17


Pathogen-host associations and predicted range shifts of human Monkeypox in response to climate change in Central Africa

Thomassen, H. A.; Fuller, T. L.; Asefi-Najafabady, S.; Shiplacoff, J. A.; Mulembakani, P. M.; Blumberg, S.; Johnston, S. C.; Kisalu, N. K.; Kinkela, T. L.; Fair, J. N.; Wolfe, N. D.; Shongo, R. L.; LeBreton, M.; Meyer, H.; Wright, L. L.; Muyembe, J.; Buermann, W.; Okitolonda, E.; Hensley, L. E.; Lloyd-Smith, J. O.; Smith, T. B.; Rimoin, A. W.

Published Work | 2013 | PLoS ONE 8(7)


Intraspecific morphological and genetic variation of common species predicts ranges of threatened ones

Fuller, T. L.; Thomassen, H. A.; Peralvo, M.; Wolfgang, B.; Mila, B.; Kieswetter, C. M.; Jarrin-V, P.; Cameron Devitt, S. E.; Mason, E.; Schweizer, R. M.; Schluneggar, J.; Chan, J.; Wang, O.; Schneider, C. J.; Pollinger, J. P.; Saatchi, S.; Graham, C. H.; Wayne, R. K.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2013 | Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology 280(1763)


Predicting bird song from space

Smith, T. B.; Harrigan, R. J.; Kirschel, A. N.; Buermann, W.; Saatchi, S.; Blumstein, D. T.; de Kort, S. R.; Slabbekoorn, H.

Published Work | 2013 | Evolutionary Applications 6(6), 865–874


Mapping evolutionary process: a multi-taxa approach to conservation prioritization

Thomassen, H. A.; Fuller, T.; Buermann, W.; Milá, B.; Kieswetter, C.; Jarrín-V, P.; Cameron, S. E.; Mason, E.; Schweizer, R.; Schlunegger, J.; Chan, J.; Wang, O.; Peralvo, M.; Schneider, C. J.; Graham, C. H.; Pollinger, J. P.; Saatchi, S.; Wayne, R. K.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2011 | Evolutionary Applications 4(2), 397–413


Evolutionary principles and their practical application

Hendry, A. P.; Kinnison, M. T.; Heino, M.; Day, T.; Smith, T. B.; Fitt, G.; Bergstrom, C.; Oakeshott, J.; Jørgensen, P. S.; Zalucki, M.; Southerton, S.; Sih, A.; Denison, R. F.; Carroll, S. P.

Published Work | 2011 | Evolutionary Application 4(2), 159–183


Using remote sensing to map the risk of human monkeypox virus in the Congo Basin

Fuller, T. H.; Thomassen, H. A.; Mulembakani, P. M.; Johnston, S. S.; Lloyd-Smith, J. O.; Kisalu, N. K.; Lutete, T. K.; Blumberg, S.; Fair, J. N.; Wolfe, N. D.; Shongo, R. L.; Formenty, P.; Meyer, H.; Wright, L. L.; Muhembe, J.; Buermann, W.; Saatchi, S. S.; Okitolonda, E.; Hensley, L.; Smith, T. B.; Rimoin, A. W.

Published Work | 2010 | EcoHealth 8(1), 14-25


Mapping the risk of avian influenza in wild birds in the U.S.

Fuller, T.; Saatchi, S.; Curd, E. E.; Toffelmier, E.; Thomassen, H.; Buermann, W.; DeSante, D. F.; Nott, M. P.; Saracco, J. F.; Ralph, C. J.; Alexander, J. D.; Pollinger, J. P.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 2010 | BMC Infectious Diseases 10(187)


Adaptive diversification and anthropogenic impacts on African rainforest biodiversity

Freedman, A.

Thesis | 2009

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The importance of conserving evolutionary processes

Smith, T. B.; Grether, G.

Published Work | 2008

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Impacts of hunting on seed dispersal in a Central African tropical forest

Wang, B. C.

Thesis | 2008

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A Report on the Results and Recommendations of the International Summit on Evolutionary Change in Human-altered Environments

Glickfeld, M.; Smith, T.B.; Bernatchez, L.; Nichols, M.

Progress Report | 2007

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Evolutionary Change in Human-altered Environments Summit-Report 2

M. Glickfield, T.B. Smith, L Bernatchez, M. Nichols

Other | 2007

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Genomics and conservation genetics

Kohn, M. H.; Murphy, W. J.; Ostrander, E. A.; Wayne, R. K.

Published Work | 2006 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21(11), 629–637


A call for feather sampling

Smith, T. B.; Marra, P. P.; Webster, M. S.; Lovette, I.; Gibbs, L.; Holmes, R. T.; Rohwer, S.

Published Work | 2003 | The Auk 120(1), 218–221


Nature and origins of unique high diversity reef faunas in the Bay of Tomini, Central Sulawesi: The ultimate “centre of diversity”?

Wallace, C. C.; Paulay, G.; Hoeksema, B. W.; Bellwood, D. R.; Hutchings, P. A.; Barber, P. H.; Erdmann, M.; Wolstenholme, J.

Published Work | 2000 | Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 185–192

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A marine Wallace’s line?

Barber, P. H.; Palumbi, S. R.; Erdmann, M. V.; Moosa, M. K.

Published Work | 2000 | Nature 406, 692–693


Using High-Definition Satellite Imagery to Assess the Loss of Ecotone Habitats in the Congo Basin, 1999-2000

Saatchi, S.; Graham, C.; Smith, T.B.

Progress Report | 2000

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Population genetics of ice age brown bears

Leonard, J. A.; Wayne, R. K.; Cooper, A.

Published Work | 1999 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97(4), 1651–1654


Biotic Surveys of Bioko and Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea, 1999

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; Girman, D.; Stauffer, D.; Mila, B.; Drewes, R.C.; Griswold, C.E.; Vindum, J.V.; Ubick, D., O'Keefe, K.; Nguema, J., Henwood, L.

Progress Report | 1999

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Ecology and speciation

Orr, M. R.; Smith, T. B.

Published Work | 1998 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13(12), 502–506


Dja Hornbill Project/Projet Calao, 1994-1998

Whitney, K.; Stauffer, D.; Holbrook, K.; French, A.; Poulsen, J.; Smith, T. B.; Fogiel, M.; Lamperti, A.; Hardesty, B.; Wang, B.; Clark, C.; Parker, V.T.

Progress Report | 1998

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Faunal Surveys of Selected Montane and Lowland Areas of Cameroon, 1996

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; McNiven, D.; Fotso, R.; Bruford, M.; Holbrook, K.; Lamperti, A.

Progress Report | 1996

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Large Mammal and Conservation Potential of Four Mountains in Northern Cameroon, 1995 (unpublished ms)

Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; McNiven, D.; Fotso, R.; Kimura, M.;

Progress Report | 1995

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A double-billed dilemma

Smith, T.B.

Published Work | 1991 | Natural History 100(1), 14-21

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Cracking the problem of bill size

Smith, T. B.; Smith, P. B.

Published Work | 1987 | Riverbanks 5, 2–8

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