Center for Tropical Research



Center for Tropical Research April 2008 Newsletter

Feature Article Integrating Wildlife Conservation into the Management of Cameroon’s Cacao Agricultural Landscapeby Thomas Dietsch, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment, UCLA Field Report Restoration…


L’éprouvette Terre

(to view English translation, [click here](… “click here”))


First Response

When you face an enemy that is both elusive and ubiquitous, information is the best defense. You need early warning. And you need to know not only when trouble’s coming,…


Center for Tropical Research October 2007 Newsletter

Feature Article Alternative Mating Tactics in a Tropical Damselflyby Brenda Larison, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment, UCLA Field Report Preserving Biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest…