Center for Tropical Research



Central African Biodiversity Alliance

The Central African Biodiversity Alliance is an international partnership that seeks to develop an integrated framework for conserving central African biodiversity under climate change that is both evolutionary-informed and grounded…


The Drill Project

A fascinating and rare glimpse into the life of drills living on Bioko Island in a film produced by Drexel University for the project.


CTR Receives New Grant Support

Tom Smith and CTR colleagues Katherine Gonder (University of Albany) and Nicola Anthony (University of New Orleans) received a five year $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation Partnerships…


NIH Grants Support for Avian Influenza Research

Tom Smith and CTR were awarded a one-year $100,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to examine the “Comparative Spillover Dynamics of Avian Influenza in Endemic Countries.” Other…


Paul Barber’s Research Group Receives New Grant Support

Paul Barber and his lab were awarded a National Science Foundation Partnership in International Research and Education (NSF PIRE) grant in collaboration with San Diego State University (SDSU), the Smithsonian,…