Center for Tropical Research



CBI field station featured in Travel Africa

Travel Africa Magazine featured the Congo Basin Institute’s Bouamir Field Station located in the Dja Faunal Reserve of Cameroon. Aided by local researchers and guides, visitors conducting field research in…


Tom Smith featured in Global Health Program Spotlight

The latest UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine’s Global Health Program (GHP) newsletter features Professor Tom Smith and his ongoing research on the connection between climate change and coronaviruses. The…


Nick Russo receives Fulbright-Hays fellowship

Nick Russo is one of nine UCLA graduate students awarded a 2020 Fulbright-Hays study abroad fellowship. Russo’s research in Cameroon investigates the movements of hornbills (large, seed-dispersing birds) in response…


Peter Daszak on Nature Insight podcast: Disease X

The Nature Insight podcast features biodiversity expert Peter Daszak, a senior research fellow at the Center for Tropical Research who is a disease ecologist working to predict and prevent outbreaks…


UCLA partnerships with Africa are changing lives

The July 2020 issue of the UCLA Magazine features the many partnerships developing between UCLA and Africa. Highlighted efforts include those by Tom Smith and Kevin Njabo with UCLA’s Center…