Cars clog the freeways day and night, causing a grayish-brown haze that can be seen for miles. But the dirty air doesn’t stop there. According to Yifang Zhu, a professor…
Yifang Zhu is the Center for Clean Air Associate Director and a professor in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. In this Washington Post article, Zhu talks about the environmental impact of…
On the popularity of brief Uber and Lyft rides around campus Yifang Zhu, associate director of the Center for Clean Air and an environmental health sciences professor said, “Even though…
89.3 KPCC discussed a UCLA study authored by IoES faculty member Suzanne Paulson and affiliated faculty J.R. DeShazo that found moving bus stops further from vehicle stops and accelerations at intersections can…
Los Angeles is the poster child for a city that has worked hard to dramatically reduce its air pollution levels. Over the past 50 years, most pollution levels are down more than 75 percent compared to their highs, and that’s despite massive population and economic growth, according to Paulson.
'No other city comes close,' she said.
Los Angeles saw tremendous economic development over the past century. But as more people moved in, the city’s blanket of smog grew thicker and thicker. The main culprits were, and still are, vehicle emissions, fumes from industrial plants and the city’s proximity to two of the country’s largest ports.
Suzanne Paulson, Santa Monica Airport Commissioner and UCLA professor, is asking for permission from the City of Santa Monica to conduct a study on the change in pollution levels before…