California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA


The economic value of local water supplies in Los Angeles

E. Porse, K. Mika, E. Litvak, K. Manago, T. Hogue, M. Gold, D. Pataki, S. Pincetl

Published Work | 2018 | Nature Sustainability

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Open data and Stormwater Systems in Los Angeles: Applications for Equitable Green Infrastructure

E. Porse

Published Work | 2018 | The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

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Systems Analysis and Optimization of Local Water Supplies in Los Angeles

E. Porse, K. Mika, E. Litvak, K. Manago, K. Naik, M. Glickfeld, T. Hogue, M. Asce, M. Gold, D. Pataki, S. Pincetl

Other | 2017 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

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